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CBO estimates an extra 24m could be left uncovered within a decade

Summit between US and Chinese leaders follows tensions over White House policy

Israeli acquisition set to boost chipmaker’s position in autonomous vehicles

Demand growth needs to hit record levels this year to offset still abundant supply

Wholesale abolition is unlikely but parts of the act are more vulnerable than others

Group distances itself from Dan Gertler after he was implicated in bribery

Chief set for large payout if her employment is terminated after Verizon deal

Analysis Banks

Investors hope he will bring the fresh ideas needed to solve the bank’s problems

Finance ministers aim to pull US away from protectionism and back to the mainstream

Banking watchdog poised to curb upstarts that have little expertise in risk control 


Unemployment is high, but investors are bullish and government sees end to recession

US News

More hawkish comments could prompt a surge in longer-dated interest rates

Former housing official to become first African-American to head a Federal Reserve bank

Defence attorneys expect Trump’s DoJ to show less zeal on corporate misdeeds

Sudden sacking of top NY prosecutor raises new questions about political interference



Universities want to hire former executives, but competition is fierce

New chairmen of Anglo, BHP and Rio will have to reward shareholders and promote growth

Former socialist minister who pushed ‘Silicon Sentier’ is now funding entrepreneurs

Markets News

Treasuries fall while dollar steadies and US stocks drift

Demand growth needs to hit record levels this year to offset still abundant supply

More hawkish comments could prompt a surge in longer-dated interest rates


Chief set for large payout if her employment is terminated after Verizon deal

Vista to buy Canadian fintech group in deal worth C$4.8bn and merge with UK rival

PC chips are profitable but US group is making expensive bets elsewhere

Life & Arts