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Pocket and Instapaper are ports in the storm of information overload

Top stories in Work & Careers

Entrepreneurs race to produce educational games as parents fear rise of the robots

Special Report Women in Business

Four practical ways for leaders to ensure women contribute fully in the workplace

Those from all over the world are studying EU law to get ahead in the race for jobs

Special Report Women in Business

Research for a new novel on women, work and friendship produced some surprises for Joanna Trollope

They must accept that their business’s ethos may not survive a takeover

Photo of Michael Skapinker

The technology may be less entertaining but it is much more useful

Superstructures can signal a city is open for business. What do they mean for workers?

Meet the people who work in the Shard, western Europe’s tallest building

Chief puts faith in unknown designer to maintain creative momentum

Companies miss billions of opportunities to realise female talent

Photo of Andrew Hill

The Sage of Omaha tells old and unfunny jokes without recrimination

Photo of Lucy Kellaway

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