Cloudinary Blog

Authentication via cookies for session-based access control

Controlling who can access to your images and videos, and when, can be an important concern for your business and security workflow. You may have resources that you only want some of your users or employees to access, or you may need to make sure that your original resources are secure, and only transformed (edited) versions of your resources are delivered, e.g., with a watermark or logo displayed.

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Image Loading, Reloaded

By Ezequiel Bruni
There are many ways to load an image, choose one.

In the world of web design, what you don’t see can hurt you. Worse, it can damage your brand reputation, bottom line, or both.

Specifically I’m talking about images. Images can consume a lot of bandwidth (upwards of 70% of it for some sites). You get charged to send them. Your users are are charged to view them. In fact, you’re both probably getting charged for images that are never seen because website visitors never scroll down far enough to view them.

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File Upload With Ajax

By Prosper Otemuyiwa
How to handle file uploads with

There was a time when it was not a punishable offense to click on a web page and wait several minutes for a full page reload. In fact, you could prepare a cup of coffee and still see your web page reloading when you came back. AJAX changed everything. The ability to communicate with a remote web server for a page reload revolutionized how web applications are built.

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Build VS. Buy
At, where I’m a software architect, we manage hundreds of millions of images. Our site offers more than 1 million home improvement products, such as tubs, toilets, cabinets, fireplaces – really any thing homeowners need for their improvement projects. And for each item, there are multiple images – product and gallery images, action shots, close-ups and thumbnails – that our visitors view from a variety of devices, including mobile phones, tablets, their desktop computers and our native app. In addition, these images are used in many view templates – on the landing page, via search, by category and in the cart.
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Image Management Best Practices
There’s no debating the fact that including images on your website or mobile app draws the interest of users and leads to stronger engagement. For example, posts that include images produce 650 percent higher engagement than text-only posts, according to a WebDAM infographic. Use of attention-grabbing images is only going to grow. Consider that by 2018, 84 percent of communication will be visual, the infographic noted. 
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File Upload With PHP

By Prosper Otemuyiwa
How to handle file uploads with PHP

There are lots of images and videos all over the internet. A lot of applications these days demand that the user is able to manipulate files and upload to the server. Thankfully, PHP provides the functions to handle file uploads.

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You're invited to ImageCon - the image management conference!

Images – if you’re a developer, there’s no doubt that at one time or another, you’ve probably worked with a lot of image files, and may have been tasked with ensuring a top-notch user experience or continually improving website and app performance. You may have posed questions on online message boards, or sought advice from your developer colleagues. But there hasn’t been a conference that solely focused on image management…until now.

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