

Michael Clarke says Virat Kohli's allegations Australia were infringing on DRS rules may have merit

Michael Clarke says Virat Kohli's allegations that Australia were systematically rorting the Decision Review System (DRS) in Bangalore may have some merit, while two former India captains have called on the International Cricket Council to come down hard on Australia skipper Steve Smith.

India captain Kohli's comments ensured an acrimonious postscript to the tense second Test that the hosts won by 75 runs.

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Kohli slams Smith's 'brain fade'

India captain Virat Kohli has all but accused Steve Smith of cheating over the Australian captain's use of the decision review system during the second Test in Bangalore.

Kohli reacted with near-uncontrollable rage on day four following the lbw dismissal of Smith. Australia's captain, prompted by teammate Peter Handscomb, glanced at teammates in his changeroom while mulling whether to review the verdict.

The laws of the game dictate that players must make such decisions without any help from outside the field.

Clarke made it clear he did not want to be too judgmental of his successor as Australia skipper, noting he was keen to find out more about Kohli's claims.

"I want to find out from the Australian team if they're using the DRS in that way, if they are then that is unacceptable," Clarke told TV station India Today.


"My concern and my worry is that when you look at the footage of what happened with Steve Smith, Peter Handscomb ... actually suggests to Steve Smith to turn around and have a look at the support staff.

"If it is only a one-off, I don't think that would have happened.

"The fact that Peter Handscomb is even thinking about telling the Australian captain to turn around and look to the support staff, I've got my concerns."

After the match, Smith admitted he had been guilty of a "brain fade" but his explanation did not satisfy an angry Kohli.

"I got hit on the pad and looked down to Petey (Handscomb) and he sort of said look up there (towards the dressing room), so I turned around and said 'what do you reckon?'.

"It was a bit of a brain fade on my behalf and I shouldn't have done that," Smith said at the post match press conference.

Unsatisfied by the explanation, Kohli fired back: "If someone makes a mistake while batting, for me that's a brain fade. The way I left the ball in Pune that was a brain fade".

"If something is going on for three days that's not a brain fade, as simple as that. I don't want to say more on that.

"The videos are out there for everyone to see."

Meanwhile, former India captains Sourav Ganguly and Sunil Gavaskar both called on the ICC to take action against Smith, but the talented batsman is expected to escape punishment.

Gavaskar noted the incident involving Smith and Handscomb was "quite blatant" and not "in the spirit of the game".

"We have to see what the ICC and match referee do ... the match referee and the umpires should look into it," Gavaskar told NDTV.

Ganguly, who had plenty of run-ins with Steve Waugh when the pair were leading their respective sides, declared "action must be taken".

"If the umpires themselves saw Smith infringing on DRS rules then they must report and take action. The umpires and match referee must ensure this doesn't happen in future," Ganguly told Aaj Tak.



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