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Search the Seattle Municipal Code

A classified compilation of the general and permanent ordinances of the City of Seattle.

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41 Services

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Including minimum wage, use of conviction and arrest records during hiring, paid time off.

Bid on City Vehicles and Equipment

Bid on surplus City vehicles and equipment.

Calculate Minimum Wage

Calculate the minimum wage for employees working in Seattle.

City Procurement

City Purchasing and Contracting Services manages bids and contracts for all City products, supplies, equipment and [...]

Download Mobile Apps 

Download Mobile Apps

File A Complaint with Office of Civil Rights

Report discrimination including employment, housing, contracting, sick leave, and wages.

File a Damage Claim

If you believe the City is at fault for an incident or accident resulting in loss, injury or damages, you can file a [...]

Find Archived City Photography

Photographs date from the 1880s to the present.

Find City Council Bills/Ordinances

Access legislative records.

Find City Data

Find City Data

Find City Engineering Records

Engineer Records Vault archives infrastructure information.

Find Data on Immigrants & Refugees

Reports, statistics, maps, and other resources about immigrant and refugee communities.

Find Historical City Records

The Guide contains record series level descriptions of material documenting the history and activities of City [...]

Find Labor Standards Enforcement Data

View data about labor standards enforcement and technical assistance.

Find Public Disclosure Information

Centralized information for the Citywide public disclosure process.

Find Reports on the City's Financial Health

City Financial Services oversees functions that ensure the City's financial health.

Find Resources for Your Move to Seattle

Information and contacts for newcomers to Seattle.

Find Your Council District

Seattle has 7 Council Districts.

Get City Council Agendas

Agendas are updated as meeting information is received.

Get Crime Stats

Major crime, yearly trends and other crime data.

Get Involved in the Legislative Process

The Legislative Process Guide helps you be informed and involved.

Learn about Boards and Commissions

The City Council and Mayor appoint residents of Seattle to over 60 boards and commissions.

Learn about Investor Relations

The City of Seattle issues general obligation bonds to finance various municipal projects and revenue bonds for each of [...]

Purchase Surplus City Equipment

Purchase property and equipment the City no longer has need for.

Purchase Surplus City Real Estate

Purchase real estate the City no longer has need for.

Report Paid Sick and Safe Time Violations

Employees in the City of Seattle accrue paid sick and paid safe time.

Report Wage Theft

The City’s Office of Labor Standards can investigate workers’ complaints of nonpayment of wages and tips.

Request A Marriage Ceremony

Municipal Court of Seattle Judges are empowered to perform marriage ceremonies under the laws of the State of [...]

Request ADA Accommodations

The ADA requires the City to provide people with disabilities equal opportunity to access City services, programs and [...]

Request ADA Accommodations at City Hall

Seattle City Hall is ADA compliant and the City is eager to provide a variety of accommodations and services for access [...]

Request Public Records

Resources for requesting City records.

Search Campaign Disclosure Reports

The raw data for electronic copies of disclosure reports filed with the City.

Search the City Charter

The Charter embodies the principles of the City, defines the City's powers and duties, and guarantees rights to the [...]

Search the Seattle Municipal Code

A classified compilation of the general and permanent ordinances of the City of Seattle.

View the Council Calendar

Find City Council meetings and events.

View the Voters Guide

Voters information for upcoming and past elections.

View Your Cable Customer Bill of Rights

View Your Cable Customer Bill of Rights

Watch Council Meetings

Watch council meetings in real time.

Watch Mayor Press Conferences

Watch mayor's press conference in real time.

Watch the Video Voters Guide

Watch statements from candidates for upcoming City, County and other local elections.

15 Programs

Boards and Commissions

Residents can serve on over 60 boards and commissions, helping to influence the city's decisions.

Constituent Services

Elected officials and their staffs can marshall city resources to help you solve a problem.

Domestic Partnership Registration

Helping unmarried couples in long-term, committed relationships document their partnership.

Green Fleet Initiative

Create a fleet of alternative fuel vehicles.

Labor Equity

Promotes access to construction careers for women, people of color and others with social and economic disadvantages.

Labor Standards Dashboard

Monthly data about labor standards enforcement, technical assistance, and inquiries.

Labor Standards Enforcement

Strategic enforcement of labor laws to increase equity and establish a fair and healthy economy for workers, businesses, [...]

Language Access

Increasing the City’s capacity and competence in serving limited English proficient immigrant and refugee residents.

Minimum Wage Ordinance

Sets wages for employees working within Seattle.

Paid Sick and Safe Time Ordinance

Requires employers to provide paid time off for illness, medical appointments, or critical safety issues.

Research Assistance

Research assistants are ready and waiting to help you find anything related to Seattle legislation.

RSJI City Workplans

Tracking RSJI outcomes, strategies, and actions by City departments.

Seattle City Employees' Retirement System

Delivers employee retirement benefits

Wage Theft Ordinance

Provides protection against nonpayment of wage and tips owed to employees.

Women- and Minority-owned Business Program

Provides opportunities for Women- and Minority-owned Businesses in City contracts.