
The Seattle Office of Housing builds strong healthy communities and increases opportunities for people of all income levels to live in our city. For 35 years, the City has managed investments from the Seattle Housing Levy and other state and federal sources to fund the preservation and production of affordable apartments and homes. The Office of Housing also develops policies and manages programs that support further affordable housing production. To date, the City has created and preserved over 13,000 affordable homes throughout the city, helped 900 families purchase their first home, and provided emergency rental assistance to 6,500 households.

Office of Housing News

2016 Rental Housing Program Funding Awards Announced

Mayor Ed Murray announced $47 million in affordable housing investments to create 472 new homes and preserve 138 homes. Read the press release. See the map.

2016 Seattle Housing Levy Approved by Voters!

Seattle voters overwhelmingly approved the 2016 Seattle Housing Levy on August 2nd by over 70%. Thank you to the voters and residents of Seattle for investing in affordabla housing. Read remarks from Mayor Murray >

Under One Roof: A Website on Housing Affordability in Seattle

Learn why affordable housing is so important to a vibrant community, what the challenges are for low-income families in Seattle, and the impact the Seattle Housing Levy has had on our community in the last 35 years. More >