We provide powerful technology solutions for the City of Seattle and public we serve.

Seattle Information Technology Department is the consolidated information technology organization for the City of Seattle. Seattle IT provides the services that facilitate delivery of powerful information technology services for the City of Seattle and the public it serves. Created in April 2016, Seattle IT connects people to their government, enables an efficient and productive City workforce, and builds a digitally equitable community.


Recognizing the importance of reliable and affordable high-speed internet in empowering communities and fostering entrepreneurship, Mayor Ed Murray today joined dozens of mayors from across the country in calling on the president and congressional [...]

Story by Joy Okot-Okidi Founded in the 1980s as the first Chinese nursing home operated by the Chinese community in the nation,  Kin On now serves over 500 Asian seniors in the Greater Seattle area. Asian cultures hold a tradition for families to [...]
Since the beginning of 2017 we have had several noteworthy open dataset releases happen, such as the Seattle Police Department Use of Force datasets and more recently a very large dataset from the Seattle Public Library containing Check Out data from [...]
The Seattle Public Library has released a dataset to the City’s open data portal called Checkouts by Title. The dataset includes a count of checkouts by month of both physical and digital items, and spans from 2005 to the present. Check out [...]

Issues & Initiatives