Abortions Melbourne Hobart and Albury

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have to wait for an appointment?

Appointments in our Melbourne Clinic are available usually within 3 days of you contacting us - click here to contact us and make an appointment.

For our Albury and Hobart Clinics appointment availability is usually within 2 weeks.

We know that prompt appointments are needed whether you wish to discuss your options further, or whether you have decided already what course you which to take.

How safe is abortion and will it make me infertile?

Pregnancy termination is one of the safest, simplest and most commonly performed procedures for women. A pregnancy termination will not adversely affect your fertility and will ensure your future contraception needs.

If I am considering an abortion, what happens during my visit?

First your pregnancy will be confirmed with a urine test. Then you will meet with a female counsellor to discuss your options and be provided with pertinent information. Next you will consult with the doctor who can assess pregnancy gestation and discuss any medical or other concerns about your treatment. This can be followed by a blood test. Finally, you will either leave to think further about your pregnancy decision, or book for theatre, or proceed to theatre. During your stay, you can be accompanied by a partner, friend or relative.

What counselling is available?

The Fertility Control Clinic has a team of experienced female counsellors. If your circumstances are particularly complex or you are unsure of your decision, you can consult our expert clinical psychologist.

I am really scared of needles/operations - how can you help me?

We have developed protocols, using a range of approaches and strategies, to assist women with these anxieties. We can discuss these with you and put a protocol in place to ensure you feel as comfortable as possible.

Will I experience any pain?

Patients may experience some pain or cramping that can range from mild to severe. The pain may be similar to period pain and Paracetamol or Nurofen may assist in pain relief. A stronger medication can be prescribed if needed.

Can my husband/partner in the pregnancy/Mum/friend etc come with me?

The Fertility Control Clinic welcomes your support people.

I became pregnant because of a sexual assault - can you help me?

Fertility Control Clinic staff are well versed in caring for women who have experienced a sexual assault recently or in the past. We can discuss with you how best to meet your needs drawing on protocols we have developed.

How will I be following an abortion?

We will provide you with information about how to take care of yourself following an abortion, and we have a 24 hour phone service in case of any concerns. Most women are fine to return to normal duties the following day, but may be a little drowsy and unable to drive on the day of the procedure. About 90% of women feel relieved following an elective abortion, and engage positively with their lives. Our counselling team can assist women where their decision or circumstances means that they may require additional support.

What does an abortion cost?

Unfortunately, we are not able to stipulate a flat fee as there are a range of factors to take into account, such as health cover, Medicare rebate and specific services required. Please contact us and we will discuss all options with you.

What do I need to do before an appointment?

We will go through all of the information with you once you've made contact with us.

How many appointments will I need?

Usually surgery is scheduled for the same day as your appointment, so generally it is only the one visit to us required.

Can I drive a vehicle after surgery?

No, you're not able to drive after surgery and you will need to have somebody with you to take you home.

Do I need to fast before surgery?

Yes, you need to not have ANYTHING to EAT or DRINK for 6 hours before your surgery.

How soon before I can go back to work or Uni?

Most people are able to get back to their normal routine the following day.

What if I'm between 12 and 16 weeks?

You need to contact us to discuss this, as it is a slightly more complicated procedure and we will discuss all aspects of your situation and treatment with you.

Private Health Refunds in Victoria

As we are a Registered Day Hospital, private fund rebates may be available, depending on your level of cover & waiting periods.