Election News

Audio 2mins 52secs

At a party in Perth's western suburbs, Colin Barnett's supporters were paying tribute to a man they argue will be remembered as a statesman. Most put the loss down to an 'it's time' factor and the state's economic climate. The Liberals' state president, Norman Moore, says the party must now rebuild and has defended the preference deal struck with One Nation.

Audio 3mins 13secs

Shortly after the polls closed, dozens of volunteers who had handed out how-to-vote cards for the Labor party in several seats gathered in a large community centre in Mark McGowan's electorate of Rockingham to watch the tally begin. They say there was little love for One Nation at their booths, and plenty of support for Labor.

Audio 2mins 14secs

The Labor party has been swept into power in Western Australia with a landslide in the state election. Mark McGowan's Labor victory brings to an end the eight-and-a-half-year reign of the Liberal premier Colin Barnett. Here are some highlights of the speeches the two leaders delivered, once the result was clear.

Dirty tricks and ballot paper shortages mar polling day in WA, with text messages sent to voters warning against voting Labor and a fake flyer about a mosque development sent to Stirling residents.