What You Can Do to Stop a Catastrophic War against Iran

(source: CASMII)
Saturday, January 28, 2012

The US, France and UK prodded by Israel are determined to replay their criminal and illegal invasion of Iraq in order to bring about a regime change in Iran this time under the false pretext of the non-existent nuclear weapons programme in the country. The western sanctions and the oil embargo against Iran are an act of war that will lead to a military conflict with catastrophic consequences for the people of Iran, the Middle East and the whole world.

Both the US and Israel’s intelligence agencies and the defense ministers of both countries have confirmed in the past month that there is no indication of a military dimension, nor a decision to develop a nuclear weoponisation programme in Iran.  The IAEA Chief I, Yukiya Amano, admitted to German Parliamentarians this week that there was not any credible evidence that Iran’s civilian programme has a military dimension.  Despite these admissions, the war drums are beating to the chorus of hawks and their mouthpieces in the media.

We need to act now to avert this lose-lose western strategy and promote the win-win strategy of negotiating in good faith with Iran, without the pre-condition for Iran to halt its uranium enrichment for civilian use, which is its inalienable right under the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Here is an Action Plan for you to help to defeat the western belligerent lose-lose strategy and promote the peaceful win-win strategy; the aim is to raise awareness and mobilise the public, and bring a motion against sanctions and war on Iran in the House of Commons to defeat the current hawkish stance of the government. A similar action programme with respect to local anti-war organisations should be adopted in the US, France and Germany.




1.     Please provide your contact details on the website for CASMII and Stop the War Coalition (STWC).

2.     For the full  facts of the Iran-West standoff, you can

·        study the document:

Key Reasons against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
on CASMII’s website  

·        read CASMII’s website for the latest developments every day.

3.     You can organise local meetings with support from CASMII and STWC to raise awareness and call for action against the impending war.

4.     You can propose resolutions at your student union, trade union and other organisations to oppose the war drive and promote the win-win strategy against it.

5.     You can write letters to newspapers, local and national MPs and politicians, including David Cameron and Nick Clegg, to challenge the anti Iran lies and distortions, question their evidence and hold them accountable.

6.     You can organise delegations with your leading figures to the 10 Downing Street and demand an end to sanctions and the war drive on Iran.

7.     You can book an appointment to go and see and lobby your MP to raise the issue at the House of Commons and support a motion to halt the sanctions, the war preparations and the covert war against Iran as publicly declared by Sir John Sawyers the head of MI6  in 2010.


CASMII is an independent campaign organisation with the purpose of opposing sanctions, foreign state interference and military intervention in Iran. See www.campaigniran.org for more information.

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