Juan Cole


Global affairs, Environment, Human Rights, Progressive Politics, Poetry & Literature, Pop Culture, Spirituality

Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Joined October 2008

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  1. Supergirl meets the rest of the Arrow-verse in new clip, pics from Invasion! crossover

  2. Hitler salutes and white supremacism: a weekend with the 'alt-right'

  3. Someone should give him a weekly liberal HBO comedy show.

  4. Did you sign our joint petition with yet? Join the 20,000+ that have already signed on

  5. Note to Obama: leakers and whistleblowers will be essential in Trump era. It's time to pardon the ones you've prosecuted.

  6. Ms. Marvel is getting her own Lego minifigure

  7. Chicagoland! I'm speaking at 12 today on Quran in American Imagination & 6pm Evanston public library

  8. .: Mike Pence Has "Militant Agenda" Against Women, the Poor, Immigrants, LGBTQ People

  9. MESA takes step towards removing word "nonpolitical" from bylaws | hot debate at conference, limited real impact

  10. “The algorithm did it” is not an acceptable excuse if systems make mistakes or have undesired consequences.

  11. Risk indicators are on the rise for economy, which relies on the inflow of foreign capital

  12. NEW: Book Review and GIVEAWAY: Livia Lone, by

  13. 100 million goddamn trees are dead

  14. HDP decides to return to parliamentary work after boycott

  15. More unequaled reporting from on how the US shooting war in Iraq works now

  16. A hard-sell con that cleaned out its desperate victims: behind the $25,000,000 Trump University settlement

  17. Bad Rain Falling: Who’s to Blame for our Trump Catastrophe?

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