Lauren BohnCompte certifié


Enthusiast, Middle East correspondent, Co-founder + , Fulbrighter, foodie, nerd. Love: Vinyasa, notebks, bulldogs

Istanbul; IG: @LaurenOnTheRoad
Inscrit en juillet 2010

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  1. Tweet épinglé

    Hardest story I've ever written. , five years on - a revolution devours its children

  2. Fleeing Iraqi women tell of harsh treatment in Mosul - reports w/ beautiful photog by

  3. Want a crash course on Brazil? Interruptors + have you covered in this must-read Q&A:

  4. "If you're the leader you have to communicate the message of immortality to your people" - Turkish pres Erdogan

  5. "Syrians are so much more than this war." Hear on savoring culture & cuisine:

  6. If you're a female foreign policy expert, your voice is more important than ever. Apply to be an FPI fellow:

  7. Time to get smart -- your week in foreign policy brought to you by diverse female voices:

  8. Deplorable. Meanwhile, unprecedented crackdown escalates on journalists and anyone who expresses dissent.

  9. Women in foreign policy! Throw your hat in for the next fellowship - a great experience

  10. "The tragedy lies in the fact that many of us thought we had left the prospect of mass terror behind." -

  11. Orgs like more crucial than ever. If u're a female foreign policy expert, apply to their fellowship:

  12. Lots happening at - apps open for our fellowship program & a call to get loud

  13. Cannot wait to read 's new book The Home That Was Our Country: A Memoir of Syria

  14. Journos, get woke: 'Why did so many people accept Trump’s dark vision? It fits with what they feel from the news.’

  15. Apply for a fellowship with the brilliant women of

  16. Interested in reporting from or ? Apply to our African Great Lakes Reporting Initiative Fellowship

  17. "I, Donald Trump, + rest of the alpha males will continue to dominate the internet w/o feminist whining." - Chief Strategist to new US pres

  18. Excellent podcast by Laura Heaton+ on how climate change is fueling conflict in Somalia

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