Michael Moore인증된 계정


Filmmaker ('Bowling for Columbine', 'Fahrenheit 9/11', 'Sicko'), author ('Stupid White Men', 'Here Comes Trouble'), citizen (USA, Flint, TC).

가입일: 2009년 2월
생일: 1897년 4월 23일

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  1. 8시간 전

    Here's my appearance on Chris Hayes tonight on MSNBC: watch/moore-time-to-fight-for- medicare-for-all-906114627843

  2. 8시간 전
  3. 9시간 전

    Going on MSNBC right now!

  4. 10시간 전

    I'll be on Chris Hayes on MSNBC tonight around 8:15pm ET to discuss defeat today and why we shouldn't gloat (we have work 2 do!)

  5. 13시간 전

    Speaker Ryan now apologizing 4 not being able to destroy the lives of 26 million Americans. "Growing pains" he calls it. They'll keep trying

  6. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    14시간 전

    Just in the last few days, you have made over 45,000 calls to via 5 Calls. YOU helped to make this happen! Thank you. 📞😍🇺🇸

  7. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    14시간 전

    Make no mistake: the failure of is a victory for the resistance. The Affordable Care Act will continue to save lives.

  8. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    14시간 전

    Congratulations on your complete and utter failure on repealing ObamaCare.

  9. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    14시간 전

    Looking forward to Donald Trump’s next big deal that won’t pass.

  10. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    14시간 전

    The GOP pulling bill is your daily reminder that raising a ruckus is the only way to get things to change

  11. 14시간 전

    Even though they made their bill even meaner and more hateful toward women and kids, it wasn't anti-woman enough for the Tea Party Reps.

  12. 14시간 전

    Trump has blinked. So much for the Art of the Deal.

  13. 14시간 전

    Insurance companies would no longer be required by law 2 cover pregnancy, pediatrics, ER visits, ambulances, outpatient, drugs.

  14. 14시간 전

    Just so u understand, the bill they're voting on would remove these protections for ALL who have insurance, not just 4 those on Obamacare...

  15. 14시간 전

    Trump & Ryan, to get Repub votes today,have agreed to no longer require insurance companies to cover these 10 things:

  16. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    3월 22일

    Once upon a time, Republicans didn't want a president under FBI investigation ➡️ by

  17. 3월 23일

    My colleague, Meghan O'Hara's film "The C Word" is now on iTunes! It's an amazing look at why cancer still exists.

  18. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    3월 22일
  19. 3월 22일

    The Democratic Party needs to declare a National Emergency. For the first time in our history,…

  20. 3월 22일

    Call your member of Congress: 202-225-3121

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