Michael MooreCompte verificat


Filmmaker ('Bowling for Columbine', 'Fahrenheit 9/11', 'Sicko'), author ('Stupid White Men', 'Here Comes Trouble'), citizen (USA, Flint, TC).

Unit: febrer de 2009
Va néixer el 23 d’abril de 1897

Has blocat @MMFlint

Estàs segur que vols veure aquests tuits? Això no desblocarà @MMFlint.

  1. fa 8 hores

    Here's my appearance on Chris Hayes tonight on MSNBC: watch/moore-time-to-fight-for- medicare-for-all-906114627843

  2. fa 8 hores
  3. fa 9 hores

    Going on MSNBC right now!

  4. fa 10 hores

    I'll be on Chris Hayes on MSNBC tonight around 8:15pm ET to discuss defeat today and why we shouldn't gloat (we have work 2 do!)

  5. fa 13 hores

    Speaker Ryan now apologizing 4 not being able to destroy the lives of 26 million Americans. "Growing pains" he calls it. They'll keep trying

  6. ha retuitat
    fa 14 hores

    Just in the last few days, you have made over 45,000 calls to via 5 Calls. YOU helped to make this happen! Thank you. 📞😍🇺🇸

  7. ha retuitat
    fa 14 hores

    Make no mistake: the failure of is a victory for the resistance. The Affordable Care Act will continue to save lives.

  8. ha retuitat
    fa 14 hores

    Congratulations on your complete and utter failure on repealing ObamaCare.

  9. ha retuitat
    fa 14 hores

    Looking forward to Donald Trump’s next big deal that won’t pass.

  10. ha retuitat
    fa 14 hores

    The GOP pulling bill is your daily reminder that raising a ruckus is the only way to get things to change

  11. fa 14 hores

    Even though they made their bill even meaner and more hateful toward women and kids, it wasn't anti-woman enough for the Tea Party Reps.

  12. fa 14 hores

    Trump has blinked. So much for the Art of the Deal.

  13. fa 14 hores

    Insurance companies would no longer be required by law 2 cover pregnancy, pediatrics, ER visits, ambulances, outpatient, drugs.

  14. fa 14 hores

    Just so u understand, the bill they're voting on would remove these protections for ALL who have insurance, not just 4 those on Obamacare...

  15. fa 14 hores

    Trump & Ryan, to get Repub votes today,have agreed to no longer require insurance companies to cover these 10 things:

  16. ha retuitat
    22 març

    Once upon a time, Republicans didn't want a president under FBI investigation ➡️ by

  17. 23 març

    My colleague, Meghan O'Hara's film "The C Word" is now on iTunes! It's an amazing look at why cancer still exists.

  18. 22 març

    The Democratic Party needs to declare a National Emergency. For the first time in our history,…

  19. 22 març

    Call your member of Congress: 202-225-3121

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