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3D camera tipped for new iPhone

This render shows the same hypothetical phone in various colours.

Apple may be considering a camera designed for authentication and augmented reality for its next high-end iPhone, according to reports.

Dreamworld drags Ardent to $50m loss

Four people were killed in an accident at the theme park in October.

​Ardent Leisure has slipped to a near $50 million loss and written down the value of its Dreamworld operations by more than $90 million after a massive slump in visitor numbers following last year's fatal accident.

Uber sexism charges a wake-up call

Instances of sexism and harassment of women in Silicon Valley do not appear to be isolated incidents.

Explosive charges at Uber are shining a bright light on what has for years been an unsettling reality in Silicon Valley: Women routinely confront sexism and harassment on the job.

We'll preference One Nation, says Seeney

Jeff Seeney has contradicted the LNP's official position that preferences would be decided on a seat-by-seat basis.

Former deputy premier Jeff Seeney has undermined the Liberal National Party's official position on One Nation, saying "of course" it will preference the resurgent far-right party ahead of Labor and the Greens.

Tame WA election leaders' debate shows no clear winner

Who is the better leader? Mark McGowan and Colin Barnett face off in what's expected to be the only formal debate of the ...

​Labor leader Mark McGowan has repeatedly attacked Premier Colin Barnett's planned privatisation of Western Power to stoke fears about rising electricity prices in a relatively polite leaders debate that pundits believe he won.