UNLESS WE ARE MUTUALS, DON'T ARGUE WITH ME VIA ASK, MESSAGE, FANMAIL, OR WHATEVER ELSE. Because I only tolerate arguments from mutuals, and I have NO tolerance at all for trolls, alt-right (PC for "Nazi") assholes, other bigots, and bullshitters coming randomly out of the woodwork like the cockroaches they are just to squat over my proverbial face and squeeze out their worthless opinion. VIOLATORS WILL BE BLOCKED IMMEDIATELY, because I have had it with shit from the kind of worthless excuses for human beings that make up 99% of these random assholes arguing with me.

If you have something nice to say, something pleasant or agreeing to add, go ahead. But anyone other than mutuals arguing with me will automatically be blocked.

10,000 Pounds of Nuclear Rage in a 200 Pound Container.

If You're Not Angry, You're Either Ignorant as Fuck or Complicit With the Fascist Plutocratic Police State.

Official motto: "Fuck Capitalism (Up The Ass With A Chainsaw)!"

Don’t fucking @ me unless we’re mutuals. Especially don’t @ me if you’re just doing it to mewl your worthless, ill-informed opinions at me, or to otherwise argue with anything I’ve said. I only accept civil discussions of topics with mutuals. If you don’t know me, your only reason to argue with me is because you’re a troll. So fucking keep your silence or you will be blocked.

Facts about me:

Name: Alexander Antonin
Nickname: Alex
Discordian Holy Name (Primary): Bishop Sanctimonious the Hypocritical (“Bishop Sanctimonious” for short)
Discordian Holy Name (Secondary): Pope Andrewsarchus the 23rd, Founder of the 665th House of the Prickly Pentangle, Collector of Loose Stones from the Paths of the Damned, and Reincarnation of the Inventor of Toast. (“Pope Andrewsarchus” for short.)
Age: 33
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Religion: Discordian, theistic Satanist, pagan, into chaos magick.
My deities: Medusa, Satan, Eris, Sutekh, Baphomet.
Gender: Nonbinary (gender fluid) leaning towards masculine end of the spectrum.
Pronouns: He/him/his or they/them/their
Sexuality: Pansexual, polyamorous, grey ace.
Neurostatus: Autistic, chronically depressed
Politics: Anarcho-communist pacifist, Intersectional feminist, in favor of $25 minimum wage, in favor of giving the houses banks are leaving empty to homeless people.
Favorite colors: Black, green, blue.
Favorite music group: Blue Oyster Cult
Favorite album:Currently "Time" by Electric Light Orchestra
Favorite song: Currently "Yours Truly, 2095" by Electric Light Orchestra
Short list of things I hate: Cops, the wealthiest one percent, fascists, fascist sympathizers, racists, people who think prejudice against white people is racism, Donald Trump (may he vanish off the face of the earth!), Donald Trump supporters, Hillary Clinton (Donald Trump in a wig and tights), "meninists" and other anti-feminist assholes, capitalism, anarcho-capitalists, creationists, governments, people in general, dogs, life, most things, probably you.
Short list of things I dislike, but not hate: Vegans, Hillary Clinton supporters, people who call themselves "equalists" rather than feminists, flat earthers, people opposed to water flouridation, people in general.
Short list of things I love: Myself, money, Bernie Sanders, socialism, communism, anarchism, Blue Oyster Cult, happiness (however fleeting), orange chicken, chicken soup, beef stew.

Note 1: If you believe in the nonsense that is Satanic Ritual Abuse, you can just go fuck off right now. Also, I am in favor of water fluoridation; if you are not, please keep that fact to yourself, or I will have to fight you.

Note 2: I am white, so if I accidentally say or do anything racist, please call me on that shit and I will seek to better myself.

Note 3: I don't want to hear any bullshit about "reverse racism" or "racism against white people." That is not a thing. That does not exist.

Self Quote: "True hatred should be as precious as love, reserved for a very few individuals that truly deserve it. But my contempt I give freely to anyone I consider an idiot."


Autistic Witchcraft


  • Incorporating stims into spellwork - angry stim when you curse, anxiety stim when you do a calming spell, happy stim when you do positive spells.
  • Use verbal stims as if they were chants.
  • Non verbal? Use AAC in spellwork. Sign language could be especially powerful.
  • Enchant your stim toys for happiness and for calming anxiety.
  • If you have a weighted blanket/lap pad, sew sigils into it for calm and for not being overstimulated.
  • Creating spells based on your special interest/ stimterests.

Autistic witchcraft, people! The possibilities are endless.


sirius black sends you a surprise birthday present. you open the box, wondering what is inside

it is bees

he sent you a box of bees




I love Nog’s character arc; boy who can’t read, whose father is treated like an idiot just because he’s not good at being a Ferengi, learns how to read and eventually becomes the first Ferengi in Starfleet, proving he’s quite intelligent.

Come to that, I like Rom’s character arc, too; Quark’s “idiot brother,” who simply has no knack for Ferengi work, proves he’s actually smart and becomes a valued engineer on Chief O'Brien’s team.

Not to mention that Rom LITERALLY saves the entire Alpha Quadrant by coming up with the idea of self-replicating mines….

I mean, he’s obviously a genius and deserves more.


Time travel shows drive me crazy. With the exception of Doctor Who, because somehow he almost never fucks up the timeline.