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With more than 300 million pageviews and 45 million unique visitors a month, Goodreads offers advertisers integrated advertising and promotional programs to reach our highly affluent and educated audience of book readers.

Self-Serve Advertising

Promote your books on Goodreads! Create and target an ad easily using our new advertising system.

  • Easily create an ad for your book or product.
  • Add credit to your account by prepaying. Each time someone clicks your ad, the bid will be deducted from your Goodreads account.
  • Your ads will show on Goodreads in locations where members are searching for and exploring books.
  • Target your ad by book genre, location, gender, or age.
  • View custom stats for your ad to see views, clicks, and the number of Goodreads members who add your book. Watch as Goodreads' virality helps your books numbers grow via word of mouth.
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Direct Advertising

If you are a publisher, author, or advertiser who would like to learn more about our premium advertising offerings, including our customized book launch packages, please fill out the form below to receive a media kit.

Why Goodreads?

  • Bull's-eye targeting of a highly desirable target audience of people passionate about books!
  • Extend and amplify the buzz about your books using social networking viral media.
  • Be a part of the conversation as readers update their friends about what they are reading.
  • Drive awareness, buzz and sales with this highly engaged and influential audience of readers!

Other Options

  • Author program: If you are an author you can use Goodreads to promote yourself and your books.
  • Giveaways: Give away free copies of upcoming books to readers who want them, and generate pre-launch buzz.

Targeted Advertising: To view our library of targetable author preferences, please check here; targeteable genre preferences, see here