Woodside Petroleum breathes new life into Pluto LNG expansion plans

Woodside is keen to expand its Pluto LNG venture on the Burrup Peninsula.
Woodside is keen to expand its Pluto LNG venture on the Burrup Peninsula. Supplied

Woodside Petroleum has put expansion of its Pluto liquefied natural gas project firmly back on to the agenda as it doubles down on tapping growth potential within its business and shifts the focus away from acquisitions.

Chief executive Peter Coleman outlined a two-phase plan to lift capacity at the Pluto plant near Karratha, initially using the venture's existing but undeveloped gas resources potentially to feed a small off-the-shelf LNG train that could be bolted on to the existing plant.

A bigger expansion could follow, potentially using gas from either the ExxonMobil-led Scarborough field far off the Western Australian coast or the Browse fields further to the north, which Woodside now favours processing through an existing plant at Karratha rather than through floating LNG.

Woodside has also revived its exploration effort to find more gas for Pluto, starting with the Swell well, due to start drilling mid-year, and a second scheduled for mid-2018.

Mr Coleman was speaking after Woodside matched market expectations on full-year net profit, posting a big jump to $US868 million, up from $US26 million in 2015, thanks to cost-cutting and a lift in production. Pluto LNG achieved record output, helping compensate for an 18 per cent slide in average prices.

The targeted expansion at Pluto would add to a 15 per cent growth in output that Woodside revealed it was expecting between 2017 and 2020 from sanctioned projects, which came as a positive surprise.

"The production growth that they outlined over the next few years, that was higher than we expected," said Suhas Nayak at Allan Gray, who also highlighted Woodside's "very strong" operational performance over 2016.

Woodside shares, which have climbed 15 per cent in the past five months, added 3ยข to $31.41.

Two acquisitions last year, of stakes in Scarborough and an exploration venture in Senegal, were made at an average of just $US1.10 a barrel and added more than 30 years of resources to Woodside's portfolio when combined with deals done in 2015.

"We certainly will continue to look at building our portfolio but the real target area is going to be around our existing asset base," Mr Coleman said when quizzed on appetite for more M&A.;

"We will be focused on things that deliver near to medium term value growth," he added, noting Woodside had recently passed over some other long-dated acquisition opportunities.

Woodside and its two Japanese partners in the 4.9 million tonnes a year Pluto LNG venture aim to decide in the September quarter on the shape of the initial expansion.

That could involve a smaller "debottlenecking" that would add just under 1 million t/yr of capacity, or the off-the-shelf option that could add 1 million-1.5 million t/yr at a cost of several hundred million dollars.

The plans put Pluto alongside the new Wheatstone LNG venture and Woodside's exploration projects in Senegal and Myanmar as the four priorities for the company this year, Mr Coleman said.

The $US34 billion Wheatstone project in WA, managed by Chevron, is on track to start production in mid-2017. Even so, output this year is set to fall, with Woodside confirming 2017 guidance for 84 million to 90 million barrels, down from 94.9 million in 2016.

Beyond the 2020 target for production, Woodside is pencilling in the start of production in 2021-23 from its Senegal venture, where the first of two appraisal wells is under way. Myanmar will also be a focus for drilling, with at least four and possibly up to seven wells planned this year.

The Pluto plans are part of a broader ambition by Woodside to create a "Burrup hub", which could see a pipeline link between Pluto and the nearby North West Shelf venture and would advance its strategy to supply LNG into the WA mining and marine sectors.

Bernstein Research analyst Neil Beveridge said the development of Scarborough and Browse still looked "challenging" for Woodside and investors may need to be convinced about the gas commercialisation plan.

Woodside declared a final dividend of US49c a share.