Woodside Petroleum can grow without acquisitions: CEO

Efforts to prevent a dip in LNG output this year have not fully come off, with Woodside on Thursday confirming market ...
Efforts to prevent a dip in LNG output this year have not fully come off, with Woodside on Thursday confirming market expectations that production will soften this year.

Woodside Petroleum is in "great shape" to make further acquisitions but its enlarged portfolio has paved the way for five years of growth without any further deals, according to chief executive Peter Coleman.

Mr Coleman said that over the last two years Woodside had replaced about 20 years of production through acquisitions and exploration and was hopeful of further success in wells to be drilled this year in Myanmar and Africa.

"We really do have a very exciting program for this year already outside of any further acquisitions," he said after the petroleum player reported a strong finish to 2016 thanks to record LNG output and climbing prices.

"If something comes along that is really an outstanding opportunity ...we'll definitely pursue it, but Woodside does not need acquisitions to grow as a company in the next five years or so."

Woodside CEO Peter Coleman has warned of the impact of changing the PRRT.
Woodside CEO Peter Coleman has warned of the impact of changing the PRRT. Philip Gostelow

But efforts to prevent a dip in output this year have not fully come off, with Woodside on Thursday confirming market expectations that production will soften this year.

Woodside had expected that a 2015 deal to buy into Chevron's Wheatstone LNG venture in Western Australia would fill in a looming production downturn, but a six-month delay in the start-up revealed early last year means that the $US34 billion ($45 billion) project will only contribute a few months of output in 2017.

Output guidance for 2017, of between 84 million and 90 million barrels of oil equivalent, is down from 94.9 million last year. It was softer than the 93 million boe expected by JPMorgan analyst Mark Busuttil but was within the range of estimates by some others.

The guidance came as Mr Coleman launched a spirited defence of the petroleum royalty taxation system, which is under review by the revenue-hungry Turnbull government ahead of the May federal budget.

He said that picking fault with the Petroleum Resource Rent Tax, a profits-based tax, at a time when oil prices were near 14-year lows was "disingenuous" and cautioned of the impact on investors.

"It's very disingenuous and in fact causes investors to pause and reflect quite seriously around not just this government but successive governments' commitments to investments in this country," he said.

"It's a very serious issue and people need to look at it very, very seriously," Mr Coleman added. The Woodside-run North West Shelf venture came under the PRRT regime in 2012 but has not been liable for any payments since, while Pluto LNG, as a newer project, and Wheatstone LNG, which has not begun production, have not yet paid PRRT.

He said the PRRT review would be "helpful" to explain how taxes were flowing from the newer LNG projects through income, payroll and other taxes even if PRRT wasn't being paid at present.

Woodside is anticipating a PRRT accounting credit of $US160 million-$US190 million for 2016, it said in its fourth quarter report.

The December quarter contributed to a 3 per cent gain in 2016 output to 94.9 million boe, toward the top of guidance. Quarterly sales slid 8.7 per cent from a year earlier to $US1.009 billion, but gained 2.1 per cent from the September period on climbing oil prices.

Woodside said it expects a further increase in LNG contract prices for this quarter as the oil-linked gas export prices followed recent gains in crude, but Mr Coleman said he expected oil to remain within a range of $US45-$US60 this year, given the prospect of a revival in US shale production.

"I think the US onshore is certainly getting itself ready to drill more wells this year; a lot of those companies are forecasting growth," he noted, while still foreshadowing a likely strengthening in prices in the second half of 2017.

Mr Coleman described production performance in the December quarter as "outstanding" and said Woodside was starting 2017 in a strong position, with a cash flow breakeven price of $US35 a barrel.

While LNG production should increase again this year, total output will be dragged down by a cut in Woodside's share of production of pipeline gas from the North West Shelf, from 50 per cent to 16.67 per cent, which takes effect this year.

Woodside also advised that capex this year would decline about 8 per cent to $US1.29 billion. Exploration spending will be roughly maintained, at $US325 million, with drilling in Myanmar to take the largest chunk, of $US100 million. Wells are also planned in Woodside's new Senegal venture and in Gabon, and at the Swell gas prospect off Australia's north-west coast.

Woodside also said it would decide on a new development design for its Browse gas project in the second half, and it was aiming to start engineering and design work for the Scarborough project in 2018.

It has withdrawn from its exploration venture in Nova Scotia, and relinquished exploration permits in Morocco and South Korea.

Correction: The initial version of this story cited Mr Coleman saying the North West Shelf venture paid PRRT. Woodside has clarified Mr Coleman's statement, explaining the venture has not been liable for any payments since coming under the system in 2012, although it has paid billions of dollars in royalties and excise.