Why InStitchu executive James Wakefield prefers running at night

James Wakefield's favourite distance is eight to 10 kilometres.
James Wakefield's favourite distance is eight to 10 kilometres. supplied

Hitting the road after a long day in the office helps InStitchu co-founder and managing director James Wakefield clear his head and sleep better. He answers our Time Out Q&A.;

Why running?

It's a great outlet after being in an office all day. As a bonus, it keeps me fit and in shape. Once your fitness is at a certain level, running can be a form of meditation, where you clear your mind from the stresses of work and life.

Favourite distance?

My favourite distance would be around eight to 10 kilometres. It is around this distance that you feel yourself break through that initial resistance and tiredness and really find your stride.

Do you race?

I enter one or two races a year, with the City2Surf in Sydney being the highlight of my running calendar. I run more for myself though, if we're being honest. I enjoy the time away on my own.

How often do you train?

I try to run at least twice a week; some weeks I run more than others. I do CrossFit at least three times a week, which is also a great outlet, but a very different kind of fitness.

Road or track?

I run mostly on the road. Living in the city, it's difficult to find the time to escape and find a trail for running. But there is nothing nicer than finding a nice path through the wilderness.

Morning or night?

I much prefer to run at night after a long day at work. Running helps me break down my thoughts from the day, and it also tires me out enough to get to sleep at night.

Are you a social or a solo runner?

I enjoy running socially and will run in a group for the City2Surf. However, I am often fairly busy and have to squeeze in sessions wherever I can fit them.

Post-run fuel?

A lot of water followed by a bowl of porridge.

Ever been lost?

Quite a few times. As I don't run with my phone on me, I can get lost in the streets of some foreign town, but this often results in the best random discoveries.

What motivates you to run?

Either the pressures of the day or if I'm feeling a bit of cabin fever. I love to get out and breathe some fresh air.

How do you mitigate the risk of injury as you get older?

I combine running with CrossFit. Maintaining a long-term running program is only sustainable with appropriate strength work.

Done any marathons?

Not yet … it's on my bucket list. The longest race I have done is the City2Surf (14 kilometres).

Do you travel to run and, if so, where?

I enjoy running in foreign cities that are new to me, to get to know the area. I think you find the most interesting and authentic experiences when you venture a little off the beaten path.

Favourite kit?

I really love my Apple Watch. I enjoy being able to use Strava to map my path, see exactly how far I've run and in what time.

Dream running buddy?

My fiancee, Maddy. She is a great runner, but prefers to spend her time sleeping in!


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