From Puget Sound Anarchists

The UW College Republicans are hosting alt-right Milo Yiannopoulous at UW. They claim that they don’t agree with Milo’s racist and transphobic rhetoric; they just believe in ‘free speech.’

Don’t believe them: Their leadership’s close friendships with Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists reveal them as far more comfortable working with racists than they’ll admit.

Jessie Gamble, President of UW College Republicans, pretends to be a traditional GOP party activist with plans to attend Law School after graduation. This image stands in sharp contrast to her affiliations with white supremacists and Neo-Nazis.

Jessie is facebook friends with Jeffery Hughes, based in SeaTac, according to their facebook profile. Hughes’ facebook is full of anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi memes and likes pages such the Neo-Nazi podcast, ‘Fash the Nation’ and groups such as the Traditionalist Worker Party and Sons of Odin, all of which have been connected to far-Right violence in the US and Canada. [Note: this section has been re-written by IGD editors.]

Jeffery Hughes: 

Your wish is our command Jeff!

Matthew Heimbach gives Jeff praise:

Some of the things that Jeffery Hughes likes, including Alt-Right media celebrities, violent Neo-Nazi groups, and Alt-Right podcasts:


Jeffery Hughes is Facebook Friends with Jessie Gamble, a relationship that has not changed since the controversy hit the campus: 

Like many on the Alt-Right, Jeffery loves a good Nazi meme:

Jessie likes one of Jeff’s posts! Buddies and pals, and pals and buddies!

Jeff likes Richard Spencer and he hates Jews! Who would have thought?

Jessie continues to maintain her friendship with him, even liking his racist and transphobic FB posts.

Jessie also maintains a friendship with James Allsup, a friend of Jeffery Hughes, & associate of self-described White Nationalist Vlad Kolychev.

James Allsup, far-right (lol)

James tags Jessie from his facebook page

Like Jeff, James likes a lot of Alt-Right, Neo-Nazi garbage, with a lot more ‘mainstream’ Libertarian and Trump stuff: 

James facebook friendship with college Republican leader, Jessie Gamble:

Let Jessie know what you think about her close friendships with Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists. Why don’t you tell her father too while you’re at it?

Email: [email protected]
Phone Number: 253-350-1746
Father Steven Gamble: 253-350-1290

Visit: for screen shots of her support of white supremacists.