Jeffery Hughes (Pseudomonarchia Daemonum)
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About Jeffery
  • I believe in fighting for what you want.
    I believe in chivalry.
    I believe in taking chances and making sacrifices.
    I believe in revolution.
    I believe simple contentedness is destructive.
    I believe if politicians played hack-e-sack there would be no wars.
    I believe ants are far superior creatures to humans.
    I believe singularity is only a generation away.
    I believe Disney's The Lion King was a rip off from Kimba.
    I believe in constantly reinventing yourself.
    I believe talking to the deceased is silly.
    I believe di-hydrogen monoxide should not be banned.
    I believe in true love.
    I believe in self expression without conformity.
    I believe in rocking out.
    I believe in hard work and manual labor.
    I believe that music has the power to change anything.
    I believe that everyone deserves an opinion but it's a priveledge to make it known.
    I believe nothing is proven without math.
    I believe that education begins with a desire to learn, not with a college degree.
    I believe in saving the world.
    I believe in taking it over, too.
    I believe in free thinking.
    I believe in science.
    I believe money is only currency.
    I believe drugs are cheap because they're illegal.
    I believe in attitude, not aptitude.
    I believe the devil's advocate is productive.
    I believe in a free mind.
    I believe an endomorph could never work out enough to become an ectomorph.
    I believe you can be joyful in times of pain.
    I believe ideas should be free.
    I believe Mother Theresa, Dalai Lama, and Ghandi are all schmucks.
    I believe patents are inhumane.
    I believe if it's worth having, it's worth cheating for.
    I believe nature intended certain species to become endangered.
    I believe one size never fits all.
    I believe religion doesn't have all the answers.
    I believe a God does.
    I believe there's no such thing as "best."
    I believe in romance.
    I believe there is always room for improvement.
    I believe in being comfortable with your sexuality.
    I believe in monogamy.
    I believe in trusting your instincts.
    I believe in facing your fears.
    I believe in abstinence.
    I believe illegal immigration was ok when the statue of liberty was made, and still is.
    I believe in literacy.
    I believe in good hygiene.
    I believe Mount Rushmore is an insult.
    I believe we need to focus on earth's oceans, and abandon space exploration.
    I believe in soul mates.
    I believe my senior years will be the best of my life.
    I believe civil disobedience is still disobedience.
    I believe in using your talents for the greater good.
    I believe that real beauty is completely different from what the media portrays.
    I believe happiness is a right, not a privilege.
    I believe that life is to be experienced, not just survived.
    I believe in speaking your mind and standing up for yourself.
    I believe in loyalty and honor.
    I believe in the 5 second rule.
    I believe in being extremely nice to the people who handle your food.
    I believe in adventures.
    I believe in knights in shining armor.
    I believe in second chances.
    I believe in being as contradictory as possible.
    I believe in you. And one day, I just might believe in me too.
Favourite Quotes
  • A novel idea is worth more than a mindless quote.
