Haymarket Books
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  • Make 2017 a Year of Resistance!

    “To survive, democracy needs a truly radical, truly independent press more than ever before. We need to create a culture in this country in which reading and resistance go hand-in-hand.” –Howard Zinn (1922-2010)
  • The Stop Trump Reading List from Haymarket Books

    A Haymarket Books reading list for all those looking for resources to understand Trump's election, how we got to this point, and how we can organize to fight for a better world.

Featured Books

  • Long Shot

    Two-time NBA champion Craig Hodges has never been shy about speaking truth to power.
  • Freedom Is a Constant Struggle

    Activist, teacher, author and icon of the Black Power movement Angela Davis talks Ferguson, Palestine, and prison abolition.
  • Things that Can and Cannot Be Said

    In this rich dialogue on surveillance, empire, and power, Roy and Cusack describe meeting NSA whistleblower Ed Snowden in Moscow.
  • From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation

    Winner of the 2016 Lannan Cultural Freedom Award for an Especially Notable Book
  • No One Is Illegal

    No One Is Illegal debunks the leading ideas behind the often-violent right-wing backlash against immigrants.
  • Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire

    Islamophobia examines the origins of the ongoing assault on Muslims and Arabs in the U.S., and the "war on terror"
  • Hope in the Dark

    Solnit reminds us of how changed the world has been by the activism of the past five decades.
  • The Mother of All Questions

    Rebecca Solnit’s follow-up to the national bestseller Men Explain Things to Me includes her new essays on feminism.
  • The Battle for Justice in Palestine

    An effective strategy for moving forward in the struggle for justice and a single state solution in Palestine.
  • Undivided Rights

    Undivided Rights captures the evolving and largely unknown activist history of women of color organizing for reproductive justice.

Featured Authors

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    Ali Abunimah

    "Ali Abunimah is the most astute commentator writing on Palestine today." 
    —Moustafa Bayoumi

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    Noam Chomsky

    "There is no living political writer who has more radically changed how more people think in more parts of the world about political issues."
    —Glenn Greenwald

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    Angela Y. Davis

    "Here is someone worthy of the Ancestors who delivered her. Angela Davis has stood her ground on every issue important to the health of our people and the planet."
    —Alice Walker

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    Jesse Hagopian

    "Jesse Hagopian is doing more than teaching history. He is answering history’s call."
    –John Young

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    Deepa Kumar

    "An antiracist and antiwar activist, as well as a model scholar-teacher, Kumar has written a comprehensive and most readable guide to exposing and opposing the hatred of Islam."
    —Gilbert Achcar

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    Arundhati Roy

    "Arundhati Roy is incandescent in her brilliance and her fearlessness."
    —Junot Díaz

  • Solnit_square2-f_small

    Rebecca Solnit

    "No writer has weighed the complexities of sustaining hope in our times of readily available despair more thoughtfully and beautifully, nor with greater nuance."
    —Maria Popova

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    Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor

    "Taylor has absconded from the ivory tower to break down the current Movement for Black Lives, arguing that it holds the potential to reignite a broader push for black liberation."
    The Root

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    Howard Zinn

    “Few people changed more lives than Howard Zinn."
    —Naomi Klein

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    Dave Zirin

    "Dave Zirin has long stood on the edge of the sports writing world, exploding topics many of his colleagues are scared to approach."
    —Glenn Greenwald