close ABS.Stat beta is continuing to be developed. Data will be updated as soon as possible following its 11:30am release on the ABS website

Data by theme
CurrencyAustralian Dollar
Adjustment TypeOriginal
MeasurePosition at beginning of period [$ million]Changes in position reflecting - transactions [$ million]Changes in position reflecting - price changes [$ million]Changes in position reflecting - exchange rate changes [$ million]Changes in position reflecting - other adjustments [$ million]Position at end of period [$ million]
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Data ItemTime
Hide subtree Net International Investment PositionJun-2015901 04914 305-20 099-1 179-1 043893 033
Sep-2015893 03321 45136 535-30 442-2 709917 867
Dec-2015917 86724 3324 39315 016-1 743959 864
Mar-2016959 86416 1981 74833 009-2 9911 007 829
Jun-20161 007 82915 49226 707-11 096-1 0341 037 897
Sep-20161 037 89715 847-24 24916 368-2 5841 043 279
Net Foreign EquityJun-2015-73 0764 514-5 095-565-2 260-76 481
Sep-2015-76 48111 36741 203-53 632-5 310-82 853
Dec-2015-82 8533 136-9 48335 243-4 346-58 303
Mar-2016-58 3033 683-2 01247 032-4 619-14 219
Jun-2016-14 2193 33716 082-13 757-1 249-9 806
Sep-2016-9 80610 390-26 92127 528-6 433-5 242
Net Foreign DebtJun-2015974 1259 791-15 004-6141 216969 514
Sep-2015969 51410 084-4 66923 1892 6021 000 720
Dec-20151 000 72021 19613 876-20 2272 6031 018 167
Mar-20161 018 16712 5153 760-14 0231 6281 022 048
Jun-20161 022 04812 15410 6252 6612151 047 703
Sep-20161 047 7035 4572 672-11 1603 8491 048 521


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