Federal Politics

Fergus Hunter

Fergus Hunter is a political reporter for Fairfax Media in the federal press gallery at Parliament House

Penalty rates: "This is a matter that the Government has not decided."

Turnbull ducks questions on penalty rate cut

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has refused to say whether he supports the Fair Work Commission's decision to cut penalty rates for hundreds of thousands of Australian workers, instead backing the independence of the body and indicating the government backs a transition that softens the blow for workers.

Mr Turnbull on Monday.

Malcolm Turnbull blames Tony Abbott for government's poll slump

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has laid the blame for the government's drop in the polls squarely at the feet of Tony Abbott, describing the former leader'sĀ "outburst" last week as a calculated and deliberate attack to undermine confidence in the Coalition.

A Palestinian security force personnel holding a Palestinian flag celebrates while deployment near the Jewish settlement ...

Labor MPs call for recognition of Palestinian statehood

A group of federal Labor MPs have urgedĀ Australian recognition of a Palestinian state, echoing the high-profile interventions of party elders ahead of Opposition Leader Bill Shorten's meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.