Federal Politics

Free speech inquiry stops short of recommending major changes to 18C race hate laws

An inquiry established by the Turnbull government in response to an internal push to reform race hate laws has stopped short of backing any major change, a result that could be a blow for the Coalition's diehard free-speech advocates.

The parliamentary inquiry, convened in response to sustained backbench agitation to water down section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, instead suggested a raft of changes to the Human Rights Commission and its complaints handling process. While the committee floated a handful of ideas for amendments to the contentious provision, it stopped short of making any formal recommendations for change.

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The failure to back a single legislative proposal – the result of widespread disagreement inside the committee – has received mixed responses from MPs and activists pushing for the weakening of 18C, which makes it unlawful to "offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate" on the basis of someone's race.

The outcome leaves Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull with an unclear path forward. Without the cover of a firm recommendation from the committee, cabinet will now need to decide whether to avoid major change or bow to pressure from inside the Coalition party room for more substantive change. When he announced the inquiry in November, Mr Turnbull said it would be about "consensus-building" and "getting the balance right between a successful multicultural society and the freedom of speech that is fundamental to our democracy".

Liberal Party defector Cory Bernardi immediately dismissed the report as a "huge fail" and "no real defence of freedom of speech".

Conservative think-tank the Institute of Public Affairs also expressed disappointment and said the deletion of 18C in its entirety was "the only certain way to restore free speech".


But Liberal senator James Paterson, a long-time advocate for change, defended it as a "big step forward".

"There is now bipartisan consensus that the status quo must change. Everyone agrees that at the very least, the Human Rights Commission processes have failed and need to be overhauled," he said.

Following sustained criticism of the commission and its president Gillian Triggs, the report calls for more parliamentary oversight of the independent body, and to hold two public meetings a year to examine its activities.

It also suggests more support for people who are the subject of complaints, stricter time limits on the complaints process, higher thresholds for complaints, refundable lodgement fees and increased power for the Human Rights Commission president to terminate complaints.

One of the proposals to change 18C includes removing the words "offend", "insult" and "humiliate" and replacing them with "harass".

In a sign the government will be pressed to take action on most or all of the proposed options, Fairfax Media has been told a majority of the Liberal committee members supported three central changes: inserting 'harass' as well as including a truth defence in the 18D exemptions and a change to the community standards test.

It is understood, however, they are considered among the more ambitious options and it is not certain they will be pursued by the government. Cabinet will now consider the proposals. 

Introducing the report to Parliament, Liberal MP Ian Goodenough said "compelling" and "distressing" cases of racism had been heard by the committee.

"Mainstream Australians feel their right to free speech is being constricted. Mainstream Australians deserve the same rights as racial and ethnic minorities," he said.

"It's important the law does not promote reverse discrimination. I see the need to protect ethnic and racial minorities on one hand, and also the duty to protect mainstream Australians from the situations of reverse discrimination."

Mr Goodenough has backed amending 18C to include only "harass" or "vilify" while his colleague Julian Leeser, who was also on the committee, wants it left untouched. Mr Leeser supports the changes to the complaints process and the boosted oversight as a "clear way forward".

"These reforms will return section 18C to its intended function as an important but limited protection against the worst kind of racial hate speech," he said.

Amnesty International said the report "shows a rare glimpse of bipartisan leadership to uphold human rights in this country".

– with Michael Koziol