Huon Hooke's wine guide
Wine reviews 21/2/17
Wine reviews 21/2/17
How do you hold your wine glass?
Wine expert Lak Quach was renowned in the hospitality industry for his "exceptional palate" and vast knowledge, having quaffed some of the world's rarest vintages including a 1945 Cos d'Estournel and an 1893 Chateau Guiraud.
Red should be drunk at room temperature and white should be chilled, right? Well, maybe.
Why drink alone when you can drink with your pet? The question comes from two competing startups in the unlikely product category of faux wine for cats.
It's the sort of statement that's often bantered about amongst friend, particularly after a few glasses vino: "one day, I'd love to buy a vineyard".
COMMENT: Flute glasses are pretty, but they're ruining your bubbles.
Ralph Kyte-Powell recommends wines for the festive table.
Winemakers in Canberra and the neighbouring NSW high-country released an amazing wealth of classy wines in 2016.
Forget "winter is coming". GoT-inspired wines are coming.
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