Jane Caro


Novelist (Just a Girl Just a Queen), author (Plain Speaking Jane, Stupid Country, F Word, What Makes a Good School) feminist, atheist, media tart & stirrer.

Sydney, Australia
Uniuse o novembro 2009

Bloqueaches a @JaneCaro

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  1. Can't watch (thanks NBN) but live tweets hilariously anti-panel! Will catch up on iview once back in Sydney. Night all.

  2. Harrowing . Our Govt's inhumane bullshit treatment of refugees lead to Hamid Khazaei's totally avoidable death.

  3. Tonight's ABC 4 Corners blows out of the water any pretence we are a humane society.

  4. The Australian solution: You didn't drown....but we'll make you wish you had What's the 'end date for this inhumanity ????

  5. My daughter had sepsis. So lucky she's Australian by birth & caught it in a major teaching hospital rather than in an Aus detention centre.

  6. Nooo, surely the Lib/Nat NBN FTNIP plan (fibre to nowhere in particular) just hasn't covered that area, gosh that surprises me

  7. Am in the Upper Allyn & can't watch the telly ( NBN satellite slow as all fuck). Will follow the tweets tonight with interest.

  8. Oh I remember now, you were a year overdue on your mammogram.

  9. LOL! I know, right? I am a school teacher and his statement is laughable.

  10. given I'm asked for a citation if I say a woman has ever been assaulted.....

  11. Yes, women are advantaged and praised for success while boys have no role models and are shamed for being male.

  12. I do not need faith to make decisions about sex, contraception, marriage, abortion, euthanasia and politics

  13. Great work Jane. Keep them honest about our public education system. 👍😁

  14. 543 asylum seekers (including 70 children) in detention in Nauru 926 adult asylum seekers in detention on Manus Island, Papua New Guinea

  15. Jane Caro seguiu a , e
    • @nayanikaaa

      Is this the real life, is this just fantasy?

  16. Saw "Bridge of Spies". Excellent movie. Well worth seeing. Spielberg and Hanks at their best. 5/5. Interstellar still worst movie ever.

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