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Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
August 03, 2016

Incidents of apparent hate crimes and hate group activities listed here are drawn primarily from media sources.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
August 03, 2016

Thirteen years ago, an evangelical minister in Idaho who was about to headline a “history” conference at the University of Idaho at Moscow ran head-on into a massive political firestorm. The cause was a book pastor Douglas Wilson had co-authored that offered up an unusual take on antebellum American slavery.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
August 03, 2016

Daryush “Roosh V” Valizadeh had billed Feb. 6 as the day that his “neo-masculinist” — read woman-hating and rape-advocating — followers would emerge “from the shadows and not have to hide behind a computer screen” any longer.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
August 03, 2016

After last year’s massacre of nine black churchgoers in Charleston, S.C., PayPal, one of the world’s largest online pay processors, finally suspended the account of a major white supremacist group known as the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC). Mass murderer Dylann Roof had left writings making clear he got his inspiration from the CCC, a group obsessed with black-on-white crime.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
August 03, 2016

Bradley Smith, a principal architect of Holocaust denial in America who was once a character witness for an infamous Canadian neo-Nazi, died this February in San Diego from complications of cancer. He was 86.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
August 03, 2016

The legalization of same-sex marriage, the Syrian refugee crisis, the continuing threat of Islamist terrorism and simmering discontent over federal control of public lands have sparked an upsurge in hardline state legislation. What is most remarkable is how many of the proposed laws appear plainly unconstitutional.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
August 03, 2016

Just days before Britain held a referendum on leaving or staying in the European Union (EU), a man yelling “Britain first” stabbed and shot to death a pro-EU and pro-immigrant member of Parliament at a meeting with constituents.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
August 03, 2016

Way back in 2010, the FBI labeled “sovereign citizens” — conspiracy-minded people who believe that most laws and tax requirements don’t apply to them — as a “domestic terrorist” movement. This June, there was another reminder of why.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
July 06, 2016

A remarkable level of vitriol has characterized the contest for president. And it’s showing no signs of letting up.


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