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Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
June 13, 2016

A radical and growing organization of ‘constitutional sheriffs’ is promoting defiance of federal laws it doesn’t like.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 17, 2016

On a decaying former Air Force base, antigovernment ‘sovereign citizens’ are battling the few remaining locals for control

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 17, 2016

Donald Trump described President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s brutal “Operation Wetback” as a “very humane” way to accomplish mass deportation, responded to the beating of a Black Lives Matter protester at a campaign rally by saying, “Maybe he should have been roughed up,” and claimed to have personally seen “thousands and thousands” of New Jersey Muslims celebrating the 9/11 attacks — something that both law enforcement and media investigations have thoroughly debunked.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 17, 2016

Law enforcement officials in November arrested five suspects in connection with an ongoing investigation of a group of white supremacists in Virginia alleged to be plotting to bomb and shoot black churches and Jewish synagogues, with the aim of igniting a race war. At least two of the conspirators were alleged adherents of a racist version of a neo-Pagan theology that has captured the imagination of hundreds, and possibly thousands, of prison inmates.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 17, 2016

Willis Carto, one of America’s earliest and most outspoken Holocaust deniers and the founder of numerous radical-right political organizations and publications, died in his home on Oct. 26. He was 89.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 17, 2016

For the century and a half since the Confederacy’s defeat in the Civil War, a certain set of southern white folks have proudly flown the Confederate battle flag on their property and displayed it on their vehicles.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 17, 2016

A hate group with international reach and a talent for couching its anti-LGBT agenda in respectful-sounding terms convened in Salt Lake City during the last week of October, bringing together a raft of right-wing heavy-hitters to talk about “[t]he value of life in all its stages and conditions.”

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 17, 2016

Incidents of apparent hate crimes and hate group activities listed here are drawn primarily from media sources.


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