2016 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show in Paris - Hair & Makeup

This colour ‘makes you skinny’

THERE’S a good reason Kendall Jenner painted her room the colour Baker-Miller pink. The science behind it is amazing.

How a mummy blogger made it big

How a mummy blogger made it big
A REDUNDANCY while on maternity leave and pregnant with her second child was the launching pad for a southeast Queensland mum’s fame — and there’s no telling where it will end.

Your home could be sold from under you

Your home could be sold from under you
A REVIEW of property law in Queensland will consider introducing legislation that allows people’s homes to be sold from underneath them.

‘Every second house has a dealer’

‘Every second house has a dealer’
ICE has ravaged this Australian town, with one reformed addict saying the drug has destroyed lives with more dealers popping up.

Woman named and shamed over dog poo

Woman named and shamed over dog poo
A SUBURBAN vigilante is filming, then naming and shaming locals who “don’t understand the etiquette of having a dog” and refuse to pick up droppings.

Make the right mortgage moves

Make the right mortgage moves
DOING the mortgage dance with banks and other lenders has become more complex and confusing.

Mia the beagle’s dog show fail

Mia the beagle’s dog show fail
EVER been made to do something you just really didn’t want to do? Mia the beagle lived that reality while struggling her way through a dog competition.

Hot dogs: Outrage as pets roast

Hot dogs: Outrage as pets roast
A LOCAL market has been slammed for allegedly letting puppies and kittens roast through Sydney’s heatwave.

‘He knew I was going to be his mummy’

‘He knew I was going to be his mummy’
HE’S a lucky pit bull, that’s for sure. A snap of a rescue dog, hugging his owner tight, has sent pooch lovers into meltdown.

How to cool down in the heat

How to cool down in the heat
IF you don’t have the option of blasting yourself with airconditioning in the heatwave, these are some alternative ways to keep cool.

Muggers steal wallet, backpack, pet dog

Muggers steal wallet, backpack, pet dog
HOW low can you go? Not content with nicking someone’s bag and cash, three brazen thieves have stolen a black pug called Egg as well.

100-year-olds evicted from nursing home

100-year-olds evicted from nursing home
AGED Care residents as old as 100 have been served eviction notices and given just weeks to find somewhere to live after a southeast Queensland nursing home announced its closure.

Why Ikea furniture has those weird names

Why Ikea furniture has those weird names
IKEA is not just screwing with you. There’s a specific method behind the Swedish furniture chain’s hard-to-pronounce names.

Australia’s top 10 dog breeds in 2017

Australia’s top 10 dog breeds in 2017
THERE’S an estimated 4.8 million canine population nationwide. Here are the top 10 breeds in Australia in 2017. WARNING: Adorable content.

Aussie family’s next level parenting

Aussie family’s next level parenting
THIS family is rebelling from our “culture of excess”, and they have strong stomachs. Think re-usable toilet paper and road kill for dinner.

Bizarre new dog breeds debut

Bizarre new dog breeds debut
IF you thought the world didn’t have enough pooches — think again. Because three new breeds have made their debut at world’s most prestigious dog show.

Another scandal rocks Thermomix

Another scandal rocks Thermomix
THE $2000 Thermomix, which is supposed to make life easier, is now at the centre of a bitter, emotional legal battle.

Trick shops use to make you spend more

Trick shops use to make you spend more
EVER noticed how some stores smell delicious and lure you in with their scent? It’s intentional, and yes, there’s some serious science behind it.

‘Now I don’t need real porn’

‘Now I don’t need real porn’
IT REALLY doesn’t get more Aussie than this. It’s being called “the best page on Facebook”, with men and women alike bonding over one of life’s random joys.

Designed for a land down under

Designed for a land down under
WITH Australia Day tomorrow and all things Aussie - from plastic flags to toy koalas - suddenly becoming must-haves, there’s never been a better time to explore contemporary local design.

Girl wants $10k to clean her room

Girl wants $10k to clean her room
THIS girl’s selfie went viral for all the wrong reasons, and now she wants the public to donate money so she can clean up.

Horrid backdrop ruins glamorous selfie

Horrid backdrop ruins glamorous selfie
IT WAS supposed to be a glamorous selfie of Alyssa showing off her new dress, but the backdrop of her picture stole all the attention.

This dog racked up a $215,000 vet bill

This dog racked up a $215,000 vet bill
THIS adorable french bulldog who was the ring bearer for his owners’ wedding has just managed to rack up a massive vet bill.

Man punches cougar in face to save dog

Man punches cougar in face to save dog
REMEMBER when that guy punched a kangaroo in the face to save his dog from attack? Well this guy has gone one better and has punched a cougar.

$1m house where cannibal ate girl

$1m house where cannibal ate girl
THIS is the house where the serial child killer who inspired Hannibal Lecter killed and ate Grace Budd, 10. WARNING: Disturbing

Abandoned ‘distressed’ kittens saved

Abandoned ‘distressed’ kittens saved
THREE highly distressed kittens were found abandoned in a zipped-up leather bag hanging from a car. The cats had a temperature of 41C.

Mum shamed by neighbour

Mum shamed by neighbour
A MOTHER was told to ‘shape up or ship out’ by an anonymous neighbour. Her crime? Not planting enough shrubs in the front yard.

‘It was almost like a horror movie’

‘It was almost like a horror movie’
SHOCKING pictures show an Alzheimer’s sufferer’s neglected cat whose fur was so matted, it turned into dreadlocks.

Shed pervert jailed for spying

Shed pervert jailed for spying
A LANDLORD, who used hidden cameras to spy on tenants from a dark shed filled with computers, learned his fate today.

Boy, 2, severs tendon on drink dispenser

Boy, 2, severs tendon on drink dispenser
A SYDNEY mother wants Kmart to recall a glass and cork drink dispenser she says left her two-year-old son with a severed tendon.