Order of Perpetual Indulgence - Sydney House
Founded 1981

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The Sydney House Archives


The Story Of The Great Archival Tragedy of 2001

As we individually collect bits and pieces of memorabilia over the years, so too has the Order. The Archives of the Sydney House contained many items - some things of monetary value and other things valued for the priceless memories of people and places.

It was a sad and horrifying day in 2001, when the person in whose keeping The Archives of the Order were entrusted stated to us that all of those items - apart from one or two boxes - were his personal property, that we had no claim to them whatever, and there was no way hope of us ever getting them back.

The Tragedy of not only the loss of these items - our History, our Memories - coupled with the tragedy of the betrayal of one to whom this sacred trust was given, was devastating as you can imagine.

Our decision was to simply move on and start again, using those things that we have individually collected along the way that was fortunate enough not to fall into the abyss, and to hope that one day that person (whom we choose not to name) will find the honour and decency to return to the Order those archives that rightly belong to it.

As a result, our Archives - small, but gradually growing - are now always freely available (though not necessarily in strict chronological order yet!), and we are always looking for stories, photos, articles and anything that will contribute to our History. This web page is an example of our commitment to the continuing accessibility of the history of the Order.


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This website is fondly dedicated to the memory of Sister Carmen Get It - (15/4/1959 - 5/5/2006)
and to all those Sisters of the
Sydney House who have passed on.

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© Order of Perpetual Indulgence, Sydney House - Last Modified 15th February 2017