Art & Dementia program

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What is dementia?

Dementia describes a large group of illnesses of the brain, including Alzheimer's disease, which is the most common. It is a broad term describing loss of memory, intellect, rationality, social skills and normal emotional reactions; and manifests itself differently in each individual. On its website Alzheimer's Australia defines 'dementia' as 'the symptoms of a large group of treatable, but incurable diseases of the brain that cause a progressive decline in a person's functioning'.

Although it is most common in those over 65 years, dementia is not a normal or inevitable part of ageing.

Find out more

For more information on the effects of dementia visit Alzheimer's Australia.

The Gallery program places its focus on each person, not dementia and is a part of the world-wide movement to develop dementia-friendly communities.


Arthur Streeton, From McMahon's Point - fare one penny 1890, Painting, oil on canvas, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, purchased 1972

Adriane Boag
Program coordinator
Learning and Access
02 6240 6632