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U.S.  National Organizations

U.S. Regional Organizations

Organizations Outside the United States

International Organizations

Transgender and Genderqueer Media and Electronic Forums

Academic Resources

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U.S.  National Organizations

FTM International: This site is the internet contact point for the largest, longest-running educational organization serving FTM transgendered people and transsexual men.  We are a diverse group. We come from different backgrounds, including every imaginable sexual orientation, and are multicultural. We range in age from our teens to our 70s and include persons who are just beginning to examine gender issues as well as persons who have been dealing with them for many years.  We are here to help - whether in the form of providing information, or through our newsletter abnd other publications, through support from volunteers who are willing to help if you need someone to talk to, or through our list of online mailing lists and links, and also through our monthly meetings and special events.

Gender Education and Advocacy: Gender Education and Advocacy (GEA) is a national organization focused on the needs, issues and concerns of gender variant people in human society. We seek to educate and advocate, not only for ourselves and others like us, but for all human beings who suffer from gender-based oppression in all of its many forms.

GenderPAC works to end discrimination and violence caused by gender stereotypes by changing public attitudes, educating elected officials and expanding legal rights.

Human Rights Campaign is committed to educating the public on issues that affect transgender Americans. HRC will continue to work at the local, state and federal level in coalition with transgender organizations and transgender leadership to secure equal protection under the law for all gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans.

Immigration Equality is a national organization fighting for equality under U.S. immigration law for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and HIV-positive individuals.  Founded in 1994 as the Lesbian and Gay Immigration Rights Task Force, we have grown to a membership of 10,000 people in cities all over the country.  We are run by a Board of Directors and have full-time staff in our National Headquarters in New York.  Immigration Equality is funded by donations from our members as well as generous support from private foundations.

International Foundation for Gender Education: The International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), founded in 1987, is a leading advocate and educational organization for promoting the self-definition and free expression of individual gender identity. IFGE is not a support group, it is an information provider and clearinghouse for referrals about all things which are transgressive of established social gender norms. IFGE maintains the most complete bookstore on the subject of transgenderism available anywhere. It also publishes the leading magazine providing reasoned discussion of issues of gender expression and identity, including crossdressing, transsexualism, FTM and MTF issues spanning health, family, medical, legal, workplace issues and more.

Intersex Society of North America is devoted to systemic change to end shame, secrecy, and unwanted genital surgeries for people born with an anatomy that someone decided is not standard for male or female. We urge physicians to use a model of care that is patient-centered, rather than concealment-centered:

Lambda Legal Defense and Education Network is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, the transgendered, and people with HIV or AIDS through impact litigation, education, and public policy work.

National Center for Lesbian Rights provides free information and counseling to lesbians, gay men, and bisexual and transgendered individuals, and technical assistance to attorneys. NCLR has launched the Transgender Law Project to combat discrimination against transgender people in housing, immigration, health care, public accommodation, and family rights.  Excellent resources posted on their web page.

National Center for Transgender Equality is a social justice organization working to make transgender people safe from discrimination and violence. NCTE provides a national voice on fairness and equality for transgender people in Washington and provides resources and assistance to empower and strengthen localized efforts around the country.

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force is a national progressive organization working for the civil rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people, with the vision and commitment to building a powerful political movement.  NGLTF's Transgender Civil Rights Project works to increase the number of state, local and federal laws that prohibit discrimination based on gender expression and identity.

Parents and Friends of Gays and Lesbians promotes the health and well-being of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered persons, their families and friends through: support, to cope with an adverse society; education, to enlighten an ill-informed public; and advocacy, to end discrimination and to secure equal civil rights. Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays provides opportunity for dialogue about sexual orientation and gender identity, and acts to create a society that is healthy and respectful of human diversity.

Pride at Work is a constituency group of the AFL-CIO.  Its purpose is to mobilize mutual support between the organized Labor Movement and the LGBT Community around organizing for social and economic justice, seek full equality for LGBT Workers in their workplaces and unions, work towards creating a Labor Movement that cherishes diversity, encourages openness, and ensures safety & dignity, educate the LBGT Community about the benefits of union membership for LGBT working people, and build support and solidarity for the union movement in the LGBT community.  PAW opposes all forms of discrimination on the job and in our unions based on sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, religion or political views.

Remembering Our Dead is a memorial site for those murdered for the gender identity.

Safe Schools Coalition is a public-private partnership in support of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth is to help schools - at home and all over the world - become safe places where every family can belong, where every educator can teach, and where every child can learn, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

Survivor Project is a non-profit organization dedicated to addressing the needs of intersex and trans survivors of domestic and sexual violence through caring action, education and expanding access to resources and to opportunities for action.

The Transgender at Work (TAW) project is a focal point for addressing workplace issues for the transgendered. TAW provides resources for innovative employers who want to set their company employment policies to help their transgendered employees to be at their most productive, without spending energy hiding an important part of themselves and pretending to be something they are not.  Transgender at Work (TAW) focuses on voluntary cooperation between employers and employees.

Transgender Community of Police and Sheriffs (TCOPS) is a peer support network for transgendered law enforcement officers.  Members are patrol officers, deputies, federal officers, detectives, correctional officers, parole agents, probation officers, constables, rangers, parks police, police officers, deputy sheriffs, state special
agents, federal special agents, special police officers, reserve officers, district attorney investigators, forensic scientists, crime scene technicians, military law enforcement personnel, corrections officers & CID officers, community service officers, college, campus, and school police officers, latent fingerprint examiners, and other support staff, and retired officers.  Active, former, and retired transgender members from these law enforcement agencies are eligible for membership in TCOPS. 

Transgender Health Alliance is a new and growing international association of mental health, medical and allied health professionals within the transgender community. Mission: to advocate for competent, caring and comprehensive health care for the transgender community.

TransParentcy's mission is to support the Transgender Parent, and their advocates (lawyers, mental health professionals, friends, family) by providing information and resources to diffuse and/or disspell the myths about any adverse impact being transgendered/transsexual might have on one's children.

Transgender American Veterans Association (TAVA) acts to ensure that transsexual and transgendered veterans will receive appropriate care for medical conditions in accordance with the Veterans Health Administration Customer Service Standards. Further, TAVA will help in educating the VA and the US military on issues regarding a fair and equal treatment of transgendered and transsexual individuals.

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U.S. Regional Organizations


Southern Arizona Gender Alliance was founded in 1998 and since their founding in 1998, SAGA has sought to bring about a change in attitudes and perceptions of, as well as by, transgender people. SAGA has delivered scores of public information panels and forums, established a network of supporting organizations throughout Tucson's human services community as well as civil rights and social justice organizations nationwide, and developed and presented unique educational symposiums for service providers, employers, and the public.


California Alliance for Pride and Equality: Founded in 1998, CAPE is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, grassroots-based, statewide advocacy organization whose mission is to ensure the dignity, safety, equality and civil rights of all LGBT Californians.

Transgender Law Center (TLC) is a legal civil rights organization that connects transgender people to technically sound and culturally competent legal services in California. TLC uses the word transgender in the broadest possible sense to include anyone who in any way disagrees with their birth assigned gender and/or does not conform to gender norms. TLC's three-pronged approach is: direct legal services, public policy advocacy, and education.  For more information, email or call .


The Gender Identity Center of Colorado is a non-profit corporation organized in 1978 and incorporated in June 1980. The organization was formed to provide support to transsexuals, or those people who cross dress, or are non-traditional in their gender identity. The Center is also an informational and educational resource to the community at large. The GIC is available to anyone, male or female, who can benefit from its services or resources, including spouses and significant others, parents, and siblings.


Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition CTAC’s mission is to make Connecticut a safe and tolerant place for the Transgender and Gender Variant Community through Political and Social Advocacy. CTAC is a grassroots coalition of individuals and ally organizations dedicated to assuring the Civil Rights of the Transgender Community in Connecticut.


Equality Florida is a statewide education and advocacy organization dedicated to eliminating discrimination based on sexual orientation, race, class and gender (including identity and expression).


Illinois Gender Advocates is a nonprofit organization dedicated to achieving equal human and civil rights gender minorities, including transgender, intersex, and other gender variant members of our society who are often singled out for discrimination. We support all minorities in the struggle for equal rights. The Mission is to advocate for gender variant people, including but not limited to transgendered people, by means of educating the general public and acting as an advocate for the rights of the gender variant in public and private forums. We have two areas of focus: Legal and legislative advocacy, and advocacy for the rights of transgender and gender variant youth.


Indiana Transgender Rights Advocacy Alliance seeks to organize the transgender community and works through education and legislative efforts to create a society that values and protects freedom of gender expression and the right to gender self-determination for all.



Equality Maryland works to secure and protect the rights of LGBT Marylanders by promoting legislative initiatives on the state, county and municipal levels. Our professional lobbyists and legislative team work with our allies in the General Assembly to shape and pass positive legislation in Annapolis and to beat back discriminatory legislation.


Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders is New England’s leading legal rights organization dedicated to ending discrimination based on sexual orientation, HIV status and gender identity and expression. GLAD also has a Transgender Law Project whose priorities include supporting efforts to write gender identity and expression into the anti-discrimination laws of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Hampshire; advocating for appropriate identity documents and standards for changing gender markers on them; ensuring access to health care; and securing employment protections. 

Gender Crash is the intersection of the queer, transgender and gender queer communities here in Boston as well as being a resource for folks around the world. As with the world, this site is evolving and changing and would not be possible with all contributors- past, present, and future.

Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition, formed in 2001, is a fast-growing organization of activists across the state who are committed to ending discrimination on the basis of gender identity and gender expression. Members of the MTPC include lawyers, students, health care providers, and community members of all stripes dedicated to educating and advocating on behalf of gender freedom. For more information or to get involved email .


Transgender Michigan is dedicated to improving communications between all of the various groups supporting the transgendered communities in Michigan.

New England States:

Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders is New England’s leading legal rights organization dedicated to ending discrimination based on sexual orientation, HIV status and gender identity and expression. GLAD also has a Transgender Law Project whose priorities include supporting efforts to write gender identity and expression into the anti-discrimination laws of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Hampshire; advocating for appropriate identity documents and standards for changing gender markers on them; ensuring access to health care; and securing employment protections. 

New Mexico:

Equality New Mexico is an advocacy organization that uses both community outreach and the political process to promote civil rights, to end discrimination, and to further the general welfare of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities in New Mexico.

New Jersey:

Garden State Equality is New Jersey's only LGBTI-rights advocacy organization with full-time staff. New Jersey lacked such an organization until Garden State Equality's founding in 2004 – a surprising history given that New Jersey probably has the fastest growing LGBTI population in America.

New York:

The Sylvia Rivera Law Project is a new law project focusing on the needs and concerns of low-income transgender, transsexual, gender variant, and intersex people in the New York City area. The SRLP provides direct advocacy and representation for clients as well as engaging in policy work, trainings, and organizing. SRLP is currently assisting clients with housing issues, criminal justice issues, and problems related to being transgender in the NYC foster care system, as well as serving as a legal resource center for attorneys and low-income trans, gender variant, and intersex people throughout NYC.

Housing Works is a minority-controlled, community-based, not-for-profit corporation providing housing, health care, advocacy, job training, and vital supportive services to homeless New Yorkers living with HIV and AIDS.   [They do also advocacy work for transgender rights in New York State.


It's Time, Oregon! is a gender educational and advocacy organization on the west coast of the United States of America. We are a chapter of It's Time, America!, the first nationally-organized grassroots civil rights group seeking to secure and safeguard the rights of all transgendered persons. 


Equality Advocates provides free legal information to transgender individuals facing discrimination and free legal representation to low income people, and a name change kit.


Transgender Advocates of Central Texas is an advocacy group dedicated to furthering the cause of Gender Diverse people in Central Texas. We will accomplish this through advocacy and education in both public and private forums. Through our efforts we will strive to halt discrimination through social, legal, legislative and corporate education.


Transgender Education Advocates of Utah facilitates educational forums to the public. Gender 101 classes in Colleges throughout the Salt Lake Valley and through other organizations in and outside the GLBT community. TEA also provides sensitivity training to local businesses and outside organizations adding "Gender Identity" to the non-discrimination policies they enforce. Educating the politicians in Utah about the transgender community for increased awareness of discrimination. We believe it is TEA time.


International Organizations

Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association is a professional organization devoted to the understanding and treatment of gender identity disorders. We have approximately 350 members from around the world, in the fields of psychiatry, endocrinology, surgery, law, psychology, sociology, and counseling.  HBIGDA provides opportunities for scientific interchange among professionals through its biennial conferences and publications. It develops and publishes Standards of Care for the treatment of gender identity disorders. These internationally accepted guidelines are designed to promote the health and welfare of persons with gender identity disorders.

International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission's mission is to secure the full enjoyment of the human rights of all people and communities subject to discrimination or abuse on the basis of sexual orientation or expression, gender identity or expression, and/or HIV status. A US-based non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO), IGLHRC effects this mission through advocacy, documentation, coalition building, public education, and technical assistance.

International Intersexual Organisation's mission to campaign in favour of human rights for people born with intersex conditions, to eEncourage an exchange of ideas and perspectives with the transsexual community for the benefit of both communities, to provide information concerning actual life experiences of people with intersex conditions to medical personnel working with infants with atypical genitalia, to psychological experts, sexologists, sociologists and specialists in feminism, to assist families and friends of intersexed individuals to understand intersexuality and to cope with the specific problems related to the role as a support person. Site is in English, French, and Spanish.

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Organizations Outside the United States


Australian W-o-m-a-n Network's aim is to lobby for the rights of Australian women with transsexualism; to co-ordinate campaigns aimed at influencing/changing laws which detract from rights to human dignity, privacy and freedom; to inform the community about what is happening politically and legally about events and issues that affect our lives; to provide a resource and information place for all women to lobby for Human rights.

FTM Australia for transmen and those affirming their masculine identity.


British Columbia: Trans Alliance Society (TAS) is a province-wide organization devoted to providing varied forums and resources to assist in the personal development, growth, and contact of its members with the transgendered community; promoting knowledge and understanding of trans culture in all its diversity; building a sense of community through contact with other organizations or individuals sharing similar objectives; working toward removing all forms of barriers that negatively impact the transgendered community.

United Kingdom:

Press for Change is a transgender rights organization based in the United Kingdom.  It has the largest web page of any transgender advocacy organization, with information and is supported by Saucy London Escorts, who provide reports, articles on-line. Press for Change is a political lobbying and educational organization, which campaigns to achieve equal civil rights and liberties for all transgender people in the United Kingdom, through legislation and social change.

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Transgender and Genderqueer Media and Electronic Forums

Gender Crash is the intersection of the queer, transgender and gender queer communities here in Boston as well as being a resource for folks around the world. As with the world, this site is evolving and changing and would not be possible with all contributors- past, present, and future.

Gender Advocacy Internet News (GAIN) is a free Internet news service serving the transgender and gender-variant community.

GenderTalk Radio, the leading talk radio program on all issues of gender and more. Here you can listen - at any time - to over 300 inspiring, entertaining and informative programs covering every aspect of gender and more. Each week we add another, and they're all easily accessible right here. Just click on the buttons at the top of the page to access this week's program, an index of shows by topic, or a list of all shows by date. Every program page is full of links - literally thousands of them - to useful resources and fascinating information.

Gwen Smith's "Tranmissions" columns.

Remembering Our Dead is a memorial site dedicated to those who are murder victims of gender related hate crimes.

Transgender Community at Tenemos provides good links, many to personal homepages.

Trans-Health, the quarterly online magazine of health and fitness for transgendered and transsexual people.

TransMan's Information Project

Transgender News is an email service of current news stories affecting the transgender community: TS, TG, CD et al.

Trans News is for major announcements about the transgender community. Volume will be kept low - 2-4 messages per month. Trans News replaces the former ITA-Announce list, which served the same purpose.

Transgender Tapestry is a q uarterly magazine, available in print. Transgender Tapestry is a publication by, for, and about all things trans, including crossdressing, transsexualism, intersexuality, FTM, MTF, butch, femme, drag kings and drag queens, androgyny, female and male impersonation, and more. They are a leading source for stimulating dialogue covering a wide range of gender topics, from medical and psychological care to family and partner issues, to film and book reviews, and much more.

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Academic Resources

Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies (CLAGS) is a university-based research center dedicated to the study of historical, cultural, and political issues of vital concern to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals and communities. By sponsoring public programs and conferences, offering fellowships to individual scholars, and functioning as an indispensable conduit of information, CLAGS serves as a national center for the promotion of scholarship that fosters social change. CLAGS makes its home at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and is the host of the International Resource Network.

The Gender Identity Research & Education Society, based in the United Kingdom, is a website maintained to inform a wide public of the issues surrounding gender identity and transsexualism. It is also a resource for gender dysphoric people and their families; the medical and other professionals that provide their care; HealthAuthorities; Members of Parliament and other policy makers.

International Journal of Transgenderism is the official journal of the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association (HBIGDA).

Trans-Academic.org is a place where people of all genders can discuss gender theory, the trans community and its various identities, both as a part of the academic world and day-to-day life. This is a trans-friendly space and is open to people of all gender identities. Trans-Academics.org is especially interested in supporting people who are considering or currently are working with trans related topics via research, writing, teaching, and other academic ventures. It is the hope of this website that people working on trans related topics will be able to connect with other people working within the field. This site is especially designed for students, (both undergraduate and graduate,) professors, and campus Queer and LGTBQ programs as well as people who are involved in the trans community on a more personal basis.

Trans-academics email list brings together academics and researchers in transgender / transsexual studies. More of a information posting list, rather than a discussion list like Trans-Academic.

Transecting the Academy is a discussion list designed to build a network of organizers, activists, academics, students, professors and others working for trans liberation in academics. This list is for all trans-identified people, whether you identify as transgender, transexual, butchdyke, boi, grrrl, transwoman, transman, questioning, any other fabulous identity as well as significant others, friends, family, and allies. This group does not tolerate any form(s) of racism, classism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism, anti-semitism, xenophobia and/or disrespect for anyone's gender identity(ies). This group evolved from the 1st Transecting the Academy Symposium on February 1, 2003. This list serv will provide the opportunity for people to continue to meet and network on issues that impact trans people in academics, whether it be in the classroom, as a professor or student, institutionally, residence life, etc. As well, the list will serve as an opportunity to continue talking about issues raised that weekend and planning further symposia.

Trans NYC is a collective of New York City academics, students, and activists working on transgender and transexual issues. They are an interdisciplinary collective sharing and collaborating on research related to transgender and transsexual experience. Comprised of both trans-identified and non-trans-identified members, they meet regularly to present and discuss research and activist related concerns. Trans NYC hopes to provide a supportive and mentoring forum to advance research on trans issues.

Transgender and Intersex Research in the Social Sciences is an email list of the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies (CLAGS) for people doing research on transgender or intersex subjects in the social sciences. The purpose is to create a venue for scholars (academic and independent, including grad students) who are doing substantial research projects on transgender, intersex, genderqueer issues in the social sciences.  List members provide mentorship, ideas, information on resources, and collegial feedback and support in the following areas, though this list is not exclusive: how to interact ethically with transgender and intersex communities; advice on getting through human subjects review; research design; help with questions of names, nomenclature, identity, practices, communities; find out what type of research is most needed by advocates and activists. If you are interested in subscribing, email for more information.

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Last edited: 03/09/2010