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Pushead , aka Brian Schroeder, is an artist, writer, and punk label owner extrodinaire. His work has appeared on T-shirts, posters, and record sleeves for countless artists ( most visibly Metallica, The Misfits, COC, and Prong). He was one of the first of punk's new generation of artists to distinguish himself, both stylistically and entrepreneurly. Pushead has established himself as a sort of underground renaissance man, not only through his art but his writing for magazines like the skateboard bible THRASHER and his two record labels, Pusmort and Bacteria Sour.


Swamp has two new Pushead serigraphs at $25.00 each (plus $6.00 for postage in the US). They are "Waiting with Child" (edition of 248) and The glow in the dark "Flame Demon". Also check on availability of the four previously produced posters. Contact them at swamptex@cyberramp.net or call them at 303-596-SWMP. They accept Credit Card orders by phone at that number.


e-mail us at:puszone@besound.com

To reach the man directly, try writing to:
Pushead Fan Club
P.O. Box 420701
San Francisco, CA 94142

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Last Updated : April 17, 1999 at 9:50 PM EST

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