
Tim Biggs

Tim is the editor of Fairfax's technology sections, as well as a writer and reviewer specialising in video game coverage.

The restriction of a first-person viewpoint does wonders for the game's tension.

Horror returns home in Resident Evil 7

Adopting a first-person perspective and refocusing the narrative after a succession of bloated, tiresome sequels, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard marks a return to horror, suspense and claustrophobia.

Hideo Kojima.

Famed designer Hideo Kojima on going independent

Japan's pre-eminent auteur game designer wasn't widely known in the West until the explosive success of his 1998 PlayStation game Metal Gear Solid, but he's only become more prominent and controversial since.

The case between the Privacy Commissioner and Telstra was sparked two years ago when the former ordered the telco to ...

Ben Grubb metadata case comes to unsatisfying end

A long-running battle over whether or not telcos should have to provide stored metadata to customers on request — which evolved over numerous appeals into a battle over which data should be considered personal — appears to have come to an unsatisfying end this week in Australia's Federal Court.

Gravity Rush 2

Fun with falling in Gravity Rush 2

This sequel repeats just about every mistake the original made, but in spite of that I fell in love with its sprawling world, goofy characters and thrilling aerial acrobatics all over again.

Keeper found about 1.7 million accounts were protected by the password '123456'. Is yours?

The most common passwords of 2016

We've all heard the warnings about passwords — use a variety of character types, make it random, use a password manager — but many of us, it seems, still aren't listening.

<i>Beholder</i>'s art style, while simple, works well with the feeling of oppression.

Nanny state game depressing, oppressive, not unrealistic

Clearly modelled after a grim nanny-state vision of Russia, 'Beholder' tasks players with balancing two opposing goals: run an apartment building as a respectable landlord who is liked by his tenants, and keep your government employers happy by constantly monitoring, reporting and spying on said tenants.

When detached from the console, the Joy-Con can be fitted with straps that make them comfier to hold and stop you ...

Hands on with Nintendo Switch

The Nintendo Switch had its official coming out party over the weekend, as the world's press got its first chance to go hands on with the machine and put it through its paces.