
Why we're all obsessed with keeping our phones charged

How many times have you looked at somebody's iPhone screen, seen the low battery percentage in red, and wondered how they're still functioning?

We all have that friend who carries their phone charger in their bag wherever they go. Some of us even are that person; he or she who experiences anxiety whenever faced with the concept of a phone that mightn't be able to get us through the day.

According to a poll of 2000 people worldwide by the technology company LG, nine out of 10 people experience some form of anxiety when their phone battery is low, with 41 per cent of those most afraid of missing calls because of a dead battery.

When that happens, 32 per cent of people will drop everything to go home and charge their phone. Sixty per cent of people, moreover, have blamed a dead phone battery on not staying in contact with somebody from their personal or professional life.

Why is it that we're all so afraid of being out of communication? It's called nomophobia, the fear of being out of mobile contact.

A 2012 Journal of Consumer Research study suggested mobile phones were "possibly the biggest non-drug addiction of the 21st century".


But fear of the low battery indicator is more than just a mobile phone addiction. According to the journal CyberPsychology & Behaviour some of the suggested psychological predictors in nomophobia are "self negative views, younger age, low esteem and self-efficacy, high extroversion or introversion, impulsiveness and sense of urgency and sensation seeking".

This pretty much covers everybody under 35 though, doesn't it? All Millennials (and younger generations perhaps even more so) can attribute at least one of those aspects to their personalities.

A lot of the fear may come out of disappointing others. Our modern generation of technology has forced us to be "always on", and we feel instantaneous replies for any kind of digital communication are a life requirement.

This is reflected in our job commitments with email, our personal lives with messaging, and even the 24/7 news cycles that makes us feel out of touch if we don't know what's happening in the world up-to-the-minute.

In a world where natural disasters, terror alerts, and general emergencies happen day-to-day as well, a lot of us have fear instilled about bad things happening to us and our loved ones, and not being able to get in contact.

With a flat battery, we feel at risk of causing others serious stress if others can't know our whereabouts or wellbeing, and we theirs, during any kind of situation.

What lengths, exactly, do people go to to ensure their phones are always full of juice, and they're never left out of communication?

According to the LG poll, 86 per cent of people charge their battery 1-3 times during the day, and 80 per cent will charge their phone before leaving the house, regardless of whether they need to or not. Twenty-eight per cent of people even keep their phone plugged into a charger all day long.

Seventy-one per cent of people won't lend their charger to another person because they're afraid of not having access to it, and 41 per cent feel embarrassed to ask a stranger to borrow their charger but will do it anyway, because low-battery anxiety is too great.

One in five of us has even ordered something at a bar or restaurant just so we could use their power outlet.

Almost nine in 10 of us will take preventative measures to preserve battery when we're starting to get anxious, which can mean anything from power-saving modes to stopping photo-taking and ceasing use of battery-hungry apps.

And, just in case you thought you were the only one, 41 per cent of people own three or more chargers to keep in different locations.