Peter HannamVerified account


Journalist covering environmental issues especially climate change for and . Drives an EV. Views are my own.

Sydney, Australia
Joined February 2012

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    Shark alert: What's really going on beneath our waves and beyond the hype? via

  2. : Judge orders must had over ALL documents related to , it's causes and effects.

  3. This bit of unfake news from is I think important in concluding whether or not the big news today was fake or unfake.

  4. In which 's western Mongolian corespondent heritage is revealed: via

  5. Labor MP Anne Aly was sent the IPA's 18C report, so she made a gif of her shredding it

  6. Widespread total fire bans tomorrow (Fri 13 Jan). Areas of severe and extreme fire danger. Check your area

  7. AGL fined $124,000 for breaching political donations laws via

  8. How a curious box of contraceptives helped solve an international mystery

  9. Tillerson: "I have never supported energy independence."

  10. Who else besides Trump has made their son-in-law a top deputy? Well, there's Castro, Saddam Hussein, and Mussolini

  11. Tillerson on just now: “I don’t see it as the imminent national security threat that perhaps others do."

  12. Nice job , on the renewable energy debate - thoughtful, informative but stealing some of my thunder. More on Sunday.

  13. in the news Part II: shark/human interactions. Another great article by

  14. The BBC Aston writer is living their best life.

  15. How a curious box of contraceptives helped solve an international mystery -

  16. The story of the Trump dossier: secret sources, an airport rendezvous, and John McCain

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