Australian Government, 2008-09 Budget
Budget Paper No. 1 Cover

Budget Paper No. 1

Budget Strategy and Outlook 2009-10

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Provides an overview of the economic and fiscal outlook. Discusses the Government's budget priorities and fiscal strategy.

Provides a discussion of economic developments since the February 2009 UEFO. Discusses the outlook for the domestic and international economies, and provides economic forecasts.

Provides a brief discussion of the major budget aggregates and changes since the February 2009 UEFO. Provides a discussion on the sensitivity of budget estimates to changes in economic conditions.

This statement discusses the current challenges for fiscal policy and examines a range of indicators to assess the sustainability of Australia's budget position.

A discussion of the changes in the revenue outlook since the February 2009 UEFO.

A discussion of Australian Government expenses and net capital investment, including changes since the February 2009 UEFO.

Discusses the management of the major assets and liabilities on the Government's balance sheet. Provides detailed information on Australian Government net debt and net worth.

Discusses a range of factors that pose a risk to the actual budget outcome in future years. These risks include changes in parameters, fiscal risks and contingent liabilities.

Discusses reporting standards, budget concepts and major budget aggregates.

Reports historical data for the Australian Government fiscal aggregates across the general government, public non financial corporations and non‑financial public sectors.

* This website includes changes made via a corrigendum.

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