
Iran-US Nuclear Standoff: A Game Theory Approach

Author(s): Mohammad Ali Mousavi/Yasser Norouzi (published in Iranian Review of Foreign Affairs, 2010)


For almost three decades since the Iranian Revolution of 1979, there has consistently been a conflict between Iran and the United States over a host of issues. The relations between the two countries became more challenging since 2003 after it cam...››full abstract

Iran’s nuclear file: Recommendations for the future

Author(s): Abbas Maleki (published in Daedalus, Volume 139, Issue 1, 2010)


The global nuclear order is changing, but where is it ...››full abstract

Die iranische Position im Atomkonflikt: Historische und ideologische Hintergründe

Author(s): Annette Heppel (published in Wissenschaft & Frieden, 2008-2, 2008)


Hauptziel der internationalen Gemeinschaft ist es zu verhindern, dass die Islamische Republik Iran in den Besitz von Atomwaffen sowie der dafür erforderlichen Technologie kommt. Die iranische Führung hingegen besteht auf dem Recht des Landes zur...››full abstract

Der Iran und sein Atomprogramm: Eine völkerrechtliche Betrachtung

Author(s): Yvonne Schmidt (published in International, Nr. II/2009, S. 25-30, 2009)


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Rätsel Ölpreis

Author(s): Mohssen Massarrat (published in Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, 10/2008, S. 83-94, 2008)


In diesem Text setzt der Autor sich mit der Mainstream-Argumentation zur Ursache steigender Ölpreise - (a) Finanzspekulation, (b) Peak Oil und (c) steigende Nachfrage aus China und Indien - kritisch auseinander und relativiert deren Stellenwert. ...››full abstract

Die Welt als Schachbrett: Der neue Kalte Krieg des Obama-Beraters Zbigniew Brzezinski

Author(s): Hauke Ritz (published in Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, Ausgabe 07/2008, S. 53-69, 2008)


UNGEKÜRZTE LANGVERSION: Ausblicke auf eine Präsidentschaft Obamas - Brzezinskis Strategie amerikanischer Vorherrschaft - Der verdrängte Gewaltindex unilateraler Politik - Die strategische Logik des Raketenschildes - Die Vorgeschichte des neuen ...››full abstract

Don't Fear the Shiites. The Idea of a Teheran-Controlled »Shiite Crescent« over the Greater Middle East Is at Odds with Reality

Author(s): Michael Bröning (published in International Politics and Society (Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, IPG), No. 3/2008, 2008)


In the Middle East and the USA the claim is abroad that there is a Shiite alliance directed from Iran that includes the Lebanese Hezbollah, the Syrian Assad regime, and the Shiite dominated government in Iraq, and reaches to Saudi Arabia. In fact,...››full abstract

The American Empire: Triumph of Triumphalism

Author(s): Hamid Dabashi (published in Unbound: Harvard Journal of the Legal Left, Vol. 4, No. 82, pp. 82-95, 2008)


The fifth anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq in March 2003, in anticipation of the seventh anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001, and in commemoration of the second anniversary of t...››full abstract

Muslim Women's Quest for Equality: Between Islamic Law and Feminism

Author(s): Ziba Mir-Hosseini (published in Critical Inquiry, Volume 32, Number 4 (Summer), 2006)


EXCERPT (pp. 640-641):
To understand a movement that is still in formation, we might start by considering who its opponents are; in other words, we might consider theresistance against which it has had to struggle. Opponents of the feminist ...››full abstract

Iran in the Eye of Storm: Backgrounds of a Global Crisis

Author(s): Ali Fathollah-Nejad (published in Peace & Conflict Studies, Institute of Sociology, University of Münster [Germany], 2007)


English | The Iran crisis has become a synonym for escalation dangerously tending towards confrontation. Tehran therein is accused by the U.S.-led West of d...››full abstract

The Politics and Hermeneutics of Hijab in Iran: From Confinement to Choice

Author(s): Ziba Mir-Hosseini (published in Muslim World Journal of Human Rights, Volume 4, Issue 1, Article 2, 2007 , 2007)


This article traces the genealogy of this new juristic position from notions of hijab in classical Islamic Jurisprudence (fiqh). It documents how jurisprudential positions and notions of hijab in Iran evolve in response to socio-political factors...››full abstract

The Rise of Muslim Democracy

Author(s): Vali Nasr (published in Journal of Democracy, Volume 16, No. 2, April 2005, 2005)


A specter is haunting the Muslim world. This particular specter is not the malign and much-discussed spirit of fundamentalist extremism, nor yet the phantom hope known as liberal Islam. Instead, the specter that I have in mind is a third force, ...››full abstract

Iranian Islam and the Faustian Bargain of Western Modernity

Author(s): Mehrzad Boroujerdi (published in Journal of Peace Research, vol. 34, No. 1, Feb. 1997 , 1997)


scholars and political commentators alike criticize Fukuyama and Huntington for their pretentious prophecies, partisan historicism, and deficient justifications as well as their portrayal of 'civilizations' as well-defined homogeneous entities. I...››full abstract

Contemporary Iranian Feminism: Identity, Rights and Interpretations

Author(s): Roja Fazaeli (published in Muslim World Journal of Human Rights, Volume 4, Issue 1, Article 8, 2007)


In the last decade a body of literature has been written on the phenomenon of ‘Islamic Feminism,’ which closely links it to a human rights discourse in Muslim countries. The term ‘Islamic Feminism’ may seem a paradox, but by using Iran as ...››full abstract

Der Iran und Europas Versagen

Author(s): Prof. Dr. Mohssen Massarrat (published in Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, Ausgabe 05/2006, S. 544-547, 2006)


Es ist unbegreiflich, aber wahr: Europa, die größte Welthandelsmacht, Kontinent der Aufklärung und der Demokratie, lässt sich von einer Handvoll dubioser Think-Tanks von jenseits des Atlantiks buchstäblich an der Nase herumf...››full abstract

A Discourse Analysis of Elite American Newspaper Editorials: The Case of Iran’s Nuclear Program

Author(s): Foad Izadi and Hakimeh Saghaye-Biria (published in Journal of Communication Inquiry Vol 31 Number 2 April 2007 140-165, 2007)


This study employs Said’s concept of Orientalism and van Dijk’s concept of the ideological
square to analyze three elite American newspapers’ editorial coverage of Iran’s
nuclear program. A critical discourse analysis of The Ne...››full abstract


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Iran's Islamic Revolution: Achievements and Failures

Author(s): Hamidreza JALAEIPOUR (published in Critique: Critical Middle Eastern Studies, Volume 15, Issue 3 2006 , pages 207 - 215, 2006)


Since its inception as a field of study, sociology has been very interested in explaining
revolutions as social phenomena. Attempts at explaining revolutions have revolved around
three main questions: Why do a great number of people ac...››full abstract


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The Pluralistic Momentum in Iran and the Future of the Reform Movement

Author(s): Arshin Adib-Moghaddam (published in Third World Quarterly, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp 665 – 674, 2006)


This article explores the pluralistic momentum in Iran. It challenges the state-centric approach to Iranian politics, arguing that contemporary Iranian reformism manifests itself as a trajectory, yet original and indigenous, political culture that...››full abstract


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