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Rush! to the doctor if see these Early warning signs of diabetes.

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Kevin Durant is finally opening up about a shot he took at LeBron James that many NBA fans perceived as a diss.

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'Umm... what is this thing between my eyes?' 😉 ❤

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Just like the rest of us, Drake misses Obama.

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Tony Darnell/Deep Astronomy - Unusual Hot Jupiters

Join Tony Darnell and Carol Christian on January 26 as they discuss with Joel Hartman (Princeton University) and collaborators as they discuss how they found these unusual alien planets and characterized their interesting properties.

Link to today's Paper:

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Odell Beckham Jr may have been the victim of a robbery during Super Bowl weekend in Houston, Texas.

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Michelle and Barack Obama gear up for speaking, book deals - The Harry Walker Agency will coordinate speaking engagements for former President and first lady, Barack and Michelle Obama,, who will be represented by two attorneys for contract negotiations regarding potential book deals, a spokesman said Friday. “President Barack Obama and Mrs. Obama have selected the Harry Walker Agency (HWA) to coordinate their respective speaking engagements,” Obama spokesman Kevin Lewis said in a statement...

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This young man has developed a quick, accurate and cheap test for pancreatic, lung and ovarian cancer. The process uses nanotubes, antibodies and paper.

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The New Face of American Unemployment. Read these stories to understand what's going on.

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The best selling mobile ever.
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