Brand names include:Tenormin / Atendol / Altol / Atelol

Active ingredient: atenolol

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Atenolol is required for most diseases of your cardiovascular system. An irreplaceable tool in cardiology which regulates the repair of the soul improves a conductivity of your vessels and also reduces the chance of the soul attacks and cerebral vascular accidents.

The active components offer an antihypertensive, antianginal, plus antiarrhythmic action, reduce a stimulating effect to your heart sympathetic innervation plus circulating catecholamines while in the blood.

Atenolol inhibits the frequency of your heart contractions during rest and natural load. It reduces the requirement of myocardium around oxygen, however via the increase of your muscle stretch with ventricles and very last diastolic pressure while in the left ventricle this could increase of a oxygen query primarily in patients by using chronic heart disaster.

The antihypertensive effect is in touch with the reduction of your minute volume of your blood, and the antiarrhythmic action is seen as an the inhibitions of your factors which may provoke the look of the arrhythmia. This is usually a weakening of a symptoms of tachycardia and reduction of your arterial pressure. Influencing on the several diseases of the heart Atenolol prevents harder and severe diseases of your heart which may bring about the dangerous results.

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Directions for the use

  • chronic/sharp arterial hypertension
  • prophylaxis of your attacks of a stable stenocardia
  • disorder of your heart rhythm
  • prevention of your myocardial infraction plus sudden coronary passing
  • ischemic heart disorder
  • essential and senile tremor
  • tachyarrhythmia

Prevalent Use

Atenolol should be prescribed using a doctor-cardiologist who carries with it an experience of the treating of the severe cardiac diseases. In case of your improper use of your drug in exorbitant doses the pharmacological effect may perhaps be broken and the therapy will be unnecessary.

  • The dosage really should be selected individually while using clinical image of your patient.
  • For the arterial hypertension the dose of 50 mg is definitely prescribed orally once on a daily basis.
  • Atenolol is taken for a monotherapy or in conjunction with other hypotensive medication.
  • The maximal remedial effect usually produces in 1-2 weeks of your treatment.
  • If necessary the dose may perhaps be increased up so that you can 100 mg once on a daily basis; the further increase of your dose does not bring on the increase of your efficiency of the therapy.
  • For stenocardia a dose of 50-100 mg is definitely prescribed once on a daily basis; in some cases it can be crucial to take Atenolol while in the dose of 100 mg once a day so that they can gain the exceptional effect.
  • The withdrawal of your drug must often be gradual.


  • Atenolol may perhaps be contraindicated if a man is diagnosed: nose bradycardia, cardiogenic zap, expressed deficiency of your blood circulation, or individual intolerance of your active components of your drug.
  • During pregnancy it can be crucial to refuse from the utilization of this medication because the device may harm your developing fetus.
  • In case of your treatment during the breast-feeding youngsters should be to the bottle-feeding.

Possible Unwanted effect

The individual adverse reactions appear by using the light reactions upon an average which are along with: feeling of the cold while in the extremities, nausea, pain, weakness, sleepiness, plus vomiting.

In rare scenarios the patients may perhaps be observed more rigorous side reactions: reversible alopecia, melancholy, hallucinations, thrombocytopenia, plus vision disorder.

The look of the sensitivity to the drug tells for the excessive sensitivity so that you can its active pieces. In this instance the further treatment really should be terminated and if perhaps necessary the drug really should be replaced by the same identical one.

Buy Atenolol online

Atenolol may be needed by any person during different cardiovascular diseases. However, it is almost impossible to buy this medicine without prescription of the physician in the common city pharmacies. We try to take care of our clients, and therefore we offer you to buy Atenolol without prescription.

A shelf-life of this drug is rather big, and therefore you can offer Atenolol without prescription online and always keep this medicine in your medicine chest. If the symptoms of hypertension or tachycardia appear, you will be able to take this medicine and prevent the increase of the disease symptoms. In case of the severer cardiovascular diseases you will be able to start the treatment as soon as possible and use this medicine for the prophylaxis from time to time. After the purchase of Atenolol without prescription you will be able to see a doctor and find out the further course of the treatment. Buying Atenolol online you save most period of your free time and may always count on the fast shipment of the medicine directly to the house.

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