Katherine Jackson, 86, accuses nephew-in-law of elder abuse and obtains temporary restraining order

Katherine Jackson obtained a temporary restraining order Wednesday after alleging elder abuse by her nephew-in-law Trent Jackson.

The 86-year-old Jackson family matriarch asked a Los Angeles court for the restraining order claiming that he was an 'abusive con-man,' according to an article by TMZ.

Katherine alleged in court documents that Trent, 52, has been manipulating her for years to gain control of her finances, live rent-free in her guest house and alienate her from her children.

Restraining order: Katherine Jackson, shown in September 2014 in Calabasas, California, obtained a temporary restraining order on Wednesday against her nephew-in-law

Restraining order: Katherine Jackson, shown in September 2014 in Calabasas, California, obtained a temporary restraining order on Wednesday against her nephew-in-law

The court papers also claimed that Trent, who is the son of husband Joe Jackson's brother, accessed her bank accounts without permission after acting as her driver for years.

'Trent was supposed to be her driver, but over time (he) has infiltrated Mrs. Jackson’s business and personal affairs, even referring to himself as her ''house manager'',' according to court documents obtained by the New York Daily News.

The court filing claimed that Trent has been regulating Katherine's interactions with her children by 'screening phone calls, not relaying messages, not allowing privacy during visits or phone calls.'

The court documents also alleged that Trent 'managed to get a key to her bedroom' and opens her door at will 'with no regard to her privacy'.

Court order: Trent Jackson, shown with Katherine in February 2014 in Calabasas, was ordered to stay 100 yards away from Katherine and banned from entering her gated community

Court order: Trent Jackson, shown with Katherine in February 2014 in Calabasas, was ordered to stay 100 yards away from Katherine and banned from entering her gated community

'Mrs. Jackson has to hide in her closet to speak to her kids so she can speak freely,' the filing stated.

Katherine took a trip to London to visit daughter Janet Jackson so Trent could be fired and removed from her guesthouse while she was away, the filing said.

'Mrs. Jackson wants to return home from London but is afraid to go home with Trent there. She fears he could physically harm her for terminating him,' court documents said.

Husband and wife: Katherine and husband Joe Jackson are shown in September 2011 in Los Angeles

Husband and wife: Katherine and husband Joe Jackson are shown in September 2011 in Los Angeles

The court granted a temporary restraining order prohibiting Trent from entering Katherine's gated community in Calabasas, California.

The temporary restraining order also banned Trent from using her credit cards, staying in the guest house and coming within 100 yards of her.

A hearing has been set for March 1.

Famous family: Joe and Katherine are shown with their late son Michael Jackson in March 2005 in Santa Maria, California

Famous family: Joe and Katherine are shown with their late son Michael Jackson in March 2005 in Santa Maria, California


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