This Meme Has Taken Over The Desi Internet And It Is Hilarious

"People can't use you if you're useless."

07/02/2017 10:14 AM IST | Updated 16 hours ago
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The Wall of Comedy / BBC Three

You mean you still don't know what a meme means! Well, okay, memes refer to jokes, urban legends, videos, funny pictures or contagious music that go viral online and become a part of our collective millennial consciousness.

And for some reason, Kayode Ewumi, actor, and writer, who plays Reece Simpson on a show called #HoodDocumentary became an overnight meme.

Kayode Ewumi / Facebook

This particular scene got picked up by the Internet.

Also Read: 20 Indian Memes That Nearly Broke The Internet

And it got memed!

Sure enough, the meme caught up with the Desi Internet and they memed the meme in the most Indian way.

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