Will Has Morning Desire On “Nashville,” Plus Jack Falahee Has Endurance: BRIEFS

Plus "Match Game" is returning.

Birthday shoutouts! Harry Shum Jr. (above) is 34, Penelope Cruz is 42, Mary McDonnell is 64, Jessica Alba is 35, and Ann-Margret is 75. TRIVIA! What is snicks’ all-time favorite film performance? Answer:


Stevie Nicks plays surprise performance at School Of Rock AIDS Benefit.

Matthew Eisman/Getty Images for School of Rock - The Musical

Nick Jonas says he is definitely not a “gay cock tease.”

23 unintentionally gay comic book scenes.

WQhat if Captain America and Bucky were an adorable gay couple?



Catching up with Will on Nashville, I have to hand it to fellow country singer/label head Luke. After initially earning my wrath by dropping Will after he came out, Luke is now suddenly Will’s biggest supporter, ready to go all out to get him played on country radio. He starts by inviting 50 station programmers from around the country to listen to Will sing. Unfortunately … about five show up.

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A dejected Will says maybe they need to take things slower, a sentiment echoed by Luke’s manager Smarmy McSmarm, but Luke is undaunted, and insists they need to amp things up instead. So he books Will to perform on Good Morning America (which coincidentally, is also on ABC) and appears with him to blast country radio for not playing a gay artist.

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Will’s appearance goes well, but Smarmy McSmarm is now afraid that Luke has damaged his reputation for calling out country bigotry. Oh, shut up.

Alec Baldwin will host ABC’s revival of smutty 70’s game show Match Game. But who can ever replace the rapport of Charles Nelson Reilly and Bret Somers? Not to mention the always vivacious head of Kitty Carlisle.

Curt Schilling claims he has no problem with trans people.

98 Degrees are the latest artist to cancel performances in North Carolina.

Jack Falahee is in training for a triathlon, and SHAVED OFF HIS FACIAL HAIR. Thankfully, he didn’t touch his chest.

And here’s The Weekly ShoutOUT™. Each week we’re going to focus on one out athlete/performer and feature a daily pic and career timeline. We’ll be showcasing the big names, but also the lesser-known gay and bisexual celebs who deserve more recognition.

This week our 163rd ShoutOUT™ is to … Sam Tsui.


Sam graduated from Yale magna cum laude with a major in classical Greek in 2011 (and was mentioned three times by Tom Hanks when he addressed the class of Yale 2011), and in 2013 released his first full-length original album titled Make It Up.



Most Briefs lists involve the “best” or “greatest” of something, so for a change let’s switch it up, as Evil Snicks brings you The 30 Worst Music Videos Of All Time.

You’ll see debacles from major musical artists, as well as a few Youtube “stars.” Sure, it’s really easy to pick on desperate wannabes. It’s fun, too. But it proves that terrible can run the gamut from multi-million dollar productions to, well, a certain video named after a day of the week. You know the one.

At #7 is “Higher” from Heidi Montag and “Blowin” from Farrah Abraham (it’s a tie!)

What would we do without reality shows? If this is the result maybe we should give it a try. The Hills star Heidi and her husband Spencer Whatsisface allegedly spent $2 million dollars to produce her album, which may be why they only had $1.89 left to make this video, which has Heidi cavorting on the beach. Unfortunately, her spastic movements make it appear that she’s being poked with a cattle prod just out of camera range. Which at least helps distract from the music.


But If Heidi’s entry is bad, at least it somewhat resembles music, which is more than can be said for Teen Mom/porn star Farrah Abraham, whose “Blowin” sounds like random noises thrown together in a blender.

How pathetic is the video? It constantly has to remind us that Farrah is a “New York Times Best-Selling Author. #1 Reality Television Star.”


Congrats to recordman, who guessed that yesterday’s Pixuzzle™ © ® was SNL. Even though it’s technically Saturday Night Live.

Here’s today’s Pixuzzle™ © ®. Here are characters from a FAMOUS TV SHOW. Can you name it?


And today’s Briefs are brought to you by … Eyal Berkover, Part 2 from DNA Magazine.

angel ruiz
80's Pop Culture Expert, Shooting At The Walls Of Heartache.