Logo Online Ad Specs
LOGOonline Ad Sales
1515 Broadway, 15th fl
New York, NY 10036

For information, and access to the online Logo media kit, please contact:

Jason Steingart
Viacom Media Networks Ad Sales

For Consumer Marketing questions and requests, please contact:

Logo Consumer Marketing

The Clear Choice for your Media Plan:

  • No. 1 in LGBT digital *: 3.2 million uniques, 102 million page views and 6.4 million visits each month
  • No. 1 in LGBT video: 3 million streams per month
  • No. 1 in LGBT mobile and among MTV Networks mobile (10 million impressions per month)
         * No. 1 among wholly-owned network sites (Comscore, Jan '10)

LOGOonline.com Ad Specs:
728px W x 90px H 160px W x 600px H 300px W x 250px H
File size
.gif / .jpg: 39K Max File Size
Flash: 39K Max File Size
File size
.gif / .jpg: 39K Max File Size
Flash: 39K Max File Size
File size
.gif / .jpg: 39K Max File Size
Flash: 39K Max File Size

Lead Time:
3 - 5 Business Days
3 days: standard media (.jpg/.gif/.png), 5 days: rich media (.swf, 3rd party served)

Format: .jpg/.png/.gif/.swf; animation accepted

Framerate: 31fps

Audio: Yes, on user click only

In-banner Video: Yes. Auto-start video accepted

Tracking and Serving:
     -      Third-Party Servable: Yes. Rich media accepted.
     -      Third-Party Trackable: Yes.
     -      Third-Party Max Filesize: 39K initial load; optional 961K subsequent download
     -      Site-Served Max Filesize: 39K, .jpg/.gif/.png/.swf

Clickable: Yes. Ad unit executions must open a new browser window upon user clickthrough

ClickTag functions for site-served Flash files (.swf):

The client must provide a clickthrough URL or click command/click tracker tag.

Add an invisible button making the entire area of the banners clickable. Attach the following object action to the button:

Flash < 8 ActionScript 2.0
on (release) {
getURL (clickTag, "_blank");

Flash 9 ActionScript 3.0
on (release) {
getURL (_level0.clickTag, "_blank");

This will embed the clickTag variable in the .FLA file. This allows the click-through URL to be modified at any time during a campaign, as opposed to hard-coding the click command in the .swf file. Target="_blank" is required in the "Basic actions" to make sure user click through opens a new window.

NOTE: The implementation is different for each version of Flash, please refer to Adobe documentation for specific instructions and syntax for using the clickTag variable and the getURL action.

     -      http://www.adobe.com/resources/richmedia/tracking
     -      http://www.adobe.com/resources/richmedia/tracking/adserving_guide
     -      http://www.adobe.com/resources/richmedia/tracking/designers_guide

Yes - only if pre-specified in media plan and 3rd-party served. See "Rich Media Formats" below.

     -      All audio must be user initiated by click.
     -      All audio enabled ads must have prominently displayed audio controls (mute/unmute)
     -      Must be encoded at a maximum volume of -12db

     -      May contain auto-start video.
     -      All video enabled ads must have prominently displayed video controls (play/pause)

Rich Media Formats:

Rich media is defined as any piece of creative that is delivered as anything other than standard image files. This will include:
     -      3rd Party Ads
     -      Redirects
     -      HTML, DHTML
     -      JavaScript

File Size:
     -      Initial max filesize: 39K (initial load)
     -      Additional filesize: 961K (subsequent polite stream)

LOGOonline requires that all third-party served rich media campaigns must have a .jpg/.gif/.png backup, max filesize: 39K. Users without the Flash plug-in will be served the advertiser-provided .jpg/.gif alternate.

Third-Party Serving Guidelines:
     -      Advertisers must send all creative to LOGOonline at least five (5) business days prior to flight date. LOGOonline must approve all creative running with third-party tags and all promotional copy within banners.

     -      LOGOonline is not able to serve rich media ads onto pages built in an in-house proprietary language and pages built with forms. Pages affected by this include flipbook pages, sweepstakes entry pages, polling pages, and any type of form voting/submission page.

     -      LOGOonline is not responsible for developing programming scripts to ensure compatibility with third-party serving software. Any materials necessary to insure compatibility must be provided by advertisers or their third-party serving agent.

     -      LOGOonline reserves the right to terminate a campaign at any indication that it is not being properly served.

     -      LOGOonline reserves the right to apply a frequency cap to daughter window campaigns.

NOTE: Should an ad unit not adhere to the specifications listed herein, it will need to be revised.

Floating Ads

Floating ads engage users to interact with the creative. It is a highly effective vehicle that can dramatically increase click through ratios. Moreover, floating ads may resolve into banner and skyscraper ad products. This is called a "Leave Behind."

Max Dimensions: 400x400

Lead Time: 10 Business Days

All floater execution must:
     -      Display for no longer than 10 - 15 seconds, subject to site approval based on creative execution. (For example, static floaters will have their max time reduced to the minimum.)
     -      Open a new browser window upon user click.
     -      Not cover our logo, navigation bar, or reserved advertiser in-page placements at any time. Page positioning subject to site approval.
     -      Not pause a primary interaction element as specified by the site, e.g., search boxes and primary navigation bars.
     -      Have a close button with an "X" graphic and the word "CLOSE" prominently displayed in the top right corner of the 400x400 at all times at a height/width of no less than 20h x 30w

Audio: Audio-enabled floating ad units are not allowed.

Video: Can contain auto-start video within the 400x400 ad area

Frequency Capping:
1 per user per day

     -      Floating ad units cannot run on the following:
     -      Video Pages
     -      Entry Form Pages
     -      Voting Pages
     -      All pages of tent pole sections

Expandable Ads

Expandable ads makes a huge impression. When a user rolls over an expandable ad banner the unit expands, creating an increased canvas to deliver a more effective message. This unit can expand to in various directions, however, there are size restrictions and limitations.

Ad Product Initial Dimensions Max. Expansion Expansion Direction Z-index Wmode
Banner 728 x 90 728 x 400 Downward 500 - 5000 Transparent
Skyscraper 160 x 600 400 x 600 Leftward < 500 Transparent
Rectangle 300 x 250 500 x 400 Leftward-Downward < 500 Transparent

Lead Time: 5 Business Days

All expandable executions must:
     -      Not auto-expand. Expansion can occur only on user-inititiated click.
     -      Retract upon rolloff/mouse-off event - unless the user explicitly interacts with the already expanded ad, by clicking on it.
     -      In all cases, include a close button with an "X" graphic and the word "CLOSE" prominently displayed that retracts the ad at a height/width of no less than 20h x 30w.
     -      Not expand under our navigation bar or site content at any time.
     -      Open a new browser window upon user click-through.

     -      All audio must be user-initiated by click, not mouse-over.
     -      All audio enabled ads must have prominently displayed audio controls (mute/unmute)
     -      Must be encoded at a maximum volume of -12db

     -      Can contain auto-start video, in either its initial or expanded state.
     -      All video enabled ads must have prominently displayed video controls (play/pause)

Expandable ad units cannot run on the following:
     -      Homepage
     -      Video Pages
     -      On the same page as another expandable ad (for example, you cannot roadblock a page with two expandable ads)
     -      All pages of tentpole sections

In-Banner Video

In-banner video refers to streaming video content which occurs within an in page unit (728x90, 300x250 and 160x600). These units can serve to reinforce your message in interactive and engaging rich media and video.

Lead Time: 5 Business Days

     -      All audio must be user-initiated by click, not mouse-over.
     -      All audio-enabled ads must have prominently displayed audio controls (mute/unmute).
     -      Must be encoded at a maximum volume of -12db.

     -      Can contain auto-start video.
     -      All video enabled ads must have prominently displayed video controls (play/pause).
     -      There are no video loop nor duration limits save for those forced upon the unit due to file size constraints.

Standard Streaming Video Specs:
Specification List Streaming Video Companion Ad Unit
Video Duration :15/:30 N/A
Display Dimension 640x480 300x250
Encoded Resolution Minimum 640x480 N/A
Framerate 30fps 31fps
Format .flv Flash, .jpg, .gif animation accepted
Clickable Yes Yes, see clickTag function spec above
Tracking & Serving
Third-Party Trackable Yes - start/click trackers only Yes
Third-Party Servable Yes - via redirect URL to .flv Yes
Third-Party Max Filesize N/A 39K initial load; optional 961K subsequent download
Site-Served Max Filesize N/A 39K

Lead Time:
10 Business Days

Assets Requested:

Physical Assets
     -      Digital Beta
     -      Beta SP Tape
     -      3/4 Inch
     -      VHS
     -      Cassette
     -      MiniDV/DVCAM

Digital Assets - Option 1
     -      Format: .AVI/.MOV (Animation or Uncompressed Code)
     -      Resolution: 640x480 Minimum Quality Accepted

Digital Assets - Option 2
     -      Format: MPEG-2: 5-10Mbit
     -      Resolution: 640x480 Minimum Quality Accepted
     -      FPS: 30
     -      Audio: 224kbps MP2 audio sampled at 48kHz stereo
     -      Supported: Sony:IMX 4:2:2, MXF D-10, VSR2000HD, SeaChange, Pinnacle MediaStream, Omneon, Quantel Clipnet, Leitch and Grass Valley.

Companion Ad Unit (COAD):
Each video ad stream is accompanied by a 300x250 ad unit that will simultaneously serve alongside the video. This ad unit must adhere to standard LOGOonline ad specs outlined above.

Certified Rich Media Vendors:

Certified Preferred Rich Media Vendors are those companies who have delivered campaigns across our network and have shown themselves to be reliable and accurate insofar as reporting and quality assurance. As such we prefer to work with the following vendors:

ATLAS Solutions


BroadBand Enterprises













United Virtualities


Dynamic Logic


Should your Ad Server of choice not be included in this list, becoming a certified Rich Media vendor, is a painless process involving providing our Online Ad Product group with the following:

  1. A test tag and reporting access to implement and monitor for accurate data tracking.
  2. A 10k gif or jpeg, 728x90 served as a regular rich media ad tag would typically serve from your ad server from a URL that will never change so that we can continually monitor ad server performance for consistent and ongoing quality assurance.
  3. Two weeks for testing and implementation of the above reference materials

Please also include a contact for support and a contact for ad products.

Please contact our Online Ad Product group at oap@mtvn.com

or on the web at Viacom Media Networks Contact Form