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Cyclist Simon Vincett regularly makes a nine-kilometre ride to work in the CBD

Cycling still mostly a male affair in Melbourne

Who is the average Melbourne bike rider? According to a study of 12 months of cycling trips, he is male, aged in his mid-thirties to mid-forties, and rides five to 10 kilometres on average each time he gets on his bike, either for commuting or for general transport.

Revealed: how Pearce came close to burnout

Too much: Daisy Pearce was working 14-hour days.

The quiet resignation of Daisy Pearce from Melbourne's welfare team came as the top footballer felt at risk of being "footied out" when she knew her unique position should have been inspiring her more than ever.

'Stitch her up': Police thought Birnie escape victim was faking it

A senior police officer told Ms Hancock to 'stitch up' Ms Moir for a flase report.

'Stitch her up for a false report.' Those were the words a senior police officer told a junior constable after Kate Moir was brought into the Palmyra Police Station in 1986 with a tale of rape and abduction so horrific, police thought she was making it up.

Turnbull government sharpens attack on Labor's clean energy

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is raising questions about Bill Shorten's integrity and character.

A resurgent Malcolm Turnbull has accused Labor of being "drunk on left ideology" as he capitalised on another serious blackout in South Australia to defend gas and coal-fired generation while slamming Labor's rush to solar and wind power for the failure.

Amber Harrison lobs fresh grenade at Seven

Amber Harrison

Amber Harrison has thrown another grenade at Channel Seven, tweeting what appears to be internal emails sent between executives before and during a controversial Federal Police raid on the network's offices over alleged deals with the Corby family.