Paid parental leave scheme grinds to a halt

The Federal Government's much-hyped paid parental leave scheme appears to have stalled.
The Federal Government's much-hyped paid parental leave scheme appears to have stalled. Photo: Getty Images

The future of Prime Minister Tony Abbott's paid parental leave policy appears to be up in the air with Treasury officials revealing little progress has been made toward implementing the scheme, despite the fact it is due to begin in less than nine months.

The officials have revealed the policy has effectively ground to a halt in relation to determining how state public service schemes will dovetail with the proposed Commonwealth one, or how much it will eventually cost.

Discussions between Canberra and the states had commenced before Christmas, according to the officials, and continued at a Council of Australian Governments meeting earlier this year, but they have apparently ceased with no discussions since the May budget. 

The admission suggests the policy, an Abbott favourite that is loathed by virtually every minister in cabinet according to senior insiders, is in serious trouble and could be trimmed for a second time since the election to make it less objectionable to big business and less costly to a cash-strapped budget.

Under close questioning from Labor's Penny Wong on Wednesday, Treasury officials Leesa Croke and Nigel Ray appeared to reveal negotiations with states to introduce the program were not advancing.

The $5.5 billion PPL scheme, funded in part by a 1.5 per cent company tax levy on big business, has been promised by the coalition at the past two elections, yet it may be no closer to implementation than it was when Mr Abbott became Prime Minister in 2013.

Ms Croke said the Commonwealth stopped having detailed discussions with state and territory treasuries around May.

"I think it was before Christmas but I would have to confirm that. I think we had our first telephone conference before Christmas," she told the committee.

"And you think it concluded some time after the budget?" Senator Wong asked.

"So ... it was certainly around May. I would have to take it on notice an exact time," she said.

The Abbott scheme is supposed to begin within nine months, on July 1, 2015.

Under a change grudgingly accepted by the Prime Minister earlier this year, it would provide full salary replacement for a parent for up to six months capped at a maximum annual income of $100,000. It had been set at $150,000 a year, thus providing up to $75,000 to the wealthiest working women, and opening up the coalition to the charge that it was tailored to suit millionaires while giving poor parents much less.

"Maybe the cost of the PPL scheme is an 'on-water' matter?" Senator Wong wrote in sarcastic tone on Twitter after attempting to get details on the PPL scheme's progress.

"Four years after Abbott announced PPL, after a year in government, a budget and a Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook, the government is still hiding the cost of this signature policy."

In August, senior ministers maintained the scheme was still on track for a July 2015 start but admitted that the priority for the remainder of 2014 was passing as much of the budget as possible.

That followed comments in June from Treasurer Joe Hockey,who had said work to establish the scheme was on track with legislation expected "soon".

He described as "absurd" suggestions the policy had been stalled due to internal unrest.

But Fairfax Media has been told the scheme has only one serious advocate internally and that is the Prime Minister. 

A state government official confirmed no approaches had been made from Canberra and it remained unclear what the introduction of the Commonwealth scheme would mean for the generous conditions most state governments already have in place for their direct employees.

These conditions in some cases equal the PPL's proposed 26-week salary replacement component and its continuation of superannuation contributions.

To get the new scheme running, state governments would have to roll their schemes into the Commonwealth and pay Canberra whatever their saving was, or keep both schemes going in tandem. At this stage, however, it seems nobody knows which.
