Home Birth


birthing pool

How to use birth pools safely

The recall of hired home-birthing pools after a baby contracted Legionnaires' disease will have some parents-to-be worried, but there are guidelines about how to best - and safely - use a birthing pool.

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home birth

Push for more home births in the UK

New guidelines suggest that women who are pregnant with their second or subsequent children should be encouraged to give birth at home, as long as they aren't considered medium or high risk - but a lot needs to change before that can happen.

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water birth

Why I loved my third home water birth

After two water births at home, I was determined to give birth to my son the same way. I just hoped this birth would be quicker than my last two.

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"I wanted to follow my inner guidance and not be affected by other people's opinions, ideas, or beliefs about what they ...

Free-birthing on the rise

It’s a controversial practice that has been branded both dangerous and irresponsible, but there's a growing trend among Australian women who are choosing to birth at home, free from any medical intervention or assistance.

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Adoption activists say only a small proportion of adoptees who search for their birth mothers are unable to locate them.

Study delivers good news for home births

Doctors and midwives say more women should be given access to publicly funded home births with hospital back-up after a study found they were associated with low rates of harm for women and their babies.

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