Fundraise for us

Fun runs and marathons, dress-up days and movie nights, sausage sizzles and bake offs, ultra sporting adventures and art exhibitions – fundraising for beyondblue is a fun and rewarding way to make a difference.

With the incredible support of individuals, organisations and community groups across Australia, beyondblue is able to make a real difference to the lives of people affected by depression, anxiety and suicide. 

There are a number of ways you can fundraise for beyondblue. If you have an idea you’d like to discuss, need advice or have any questions in regards to fundraising for beyondblue, please contact our Fundraising Team on 03 9810 6100.

We can offer a dedicated Fundraising Coordinator to help you make your fundraising activity a success. Below are just some of the ways you can fundraise for beyondblue

Host a beyondblue Bash

Organise a group fundraising activity in your workplace, school, sporting club or community group and make it a beyondblue Bash. There are loads of different ideas to suit your setting and resources to help you make your beyondblue Bash a smashing success! Check out

Participate in a sporting event

Seeking a personal physical challenge? Sign up for one of the dozens of funs runs and physical challenges held right around Australia (and internationally!) each year and raise funds for beyondblue. From 5km walks to full marathons, there are plenty of events for all fitness levels. Find out more at

Propose something different

If a beyondblue Bash or fun run isn’t your thing, let us know what you have in mind. It could be donating a percentage of sales from your product or business, or an individual challenge you set yourself (we’ve had people run the length of Central America and paddle board from Brisbane to Sydney!). You can complete our fundraising application form here.

If you’d like any advice or have questions in regards to fundraising for beyondblue, please contact our Fundraising Team on 03 9810 6100 or email us.